Manufacturer Selling Prices - ?

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South Wales
Many manufacturers will have a "Recommended selling price", and they will usually sell at that price themselves.

But of course they sell to retailers at wholesale prices, and if the retailer wants to take a smaller margin, that is up to them.

Quite a few manufacturers will sell at retail, but don't really want to, so they aren't worried about their prices being higher than the retailers. Some manufacturers just don't do retail sales at all, and will just direct you to stockists.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I had three business interests and the main one was manufacturing. I pitched our wholesale price to enable a retailer to double their purchase price which most did.
One retailer who sold a lot of our stuff on Loch Lomondside actually trebled his purchase price.
When fixing the price obviously we had to make a profit but really it was what we thought the market would bear over the manufacturing cost.


One of my recent experiences was buying an item from a trader that was £9 cheaper than the manufacturer was charging and that included shipping. :okay:

All uphill

Still rolling along
There's also sophisticated games to get the maximum price from 'lazy' customers while offering a discount to the price sensitive.

Two examples from yesterday

I was offered buildings insurance renewal for £220. Got some other quotes and phoned the company back. They knocked £40 off. Same product, same company, two prices.

Popped into Tesco for a few things. £20 or I could go home, get my club card and pay £18.50. Same product, same company, two prices.
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