Manchester - Llandudno: Saturday May 13

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Last of the Summer Winos
Could be worse... I'm currently sat on a draughty platform at Manchester waiting for train home.

To add insult to injury I haven't even got any beer.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'm just back. I set off at 06:20 and got home at 23:40 - a long day, especially after less than 4 hours sleep!

It was nice to meet more forum members and meet up again with quite a few others familiar from past rides.

Thanks for organising the ride, @nickyboy - I enjoyed it.

The big climb of the day did turn out to be a bit too much for me on singlespeed - much harder than the generally steady Cragg Vale climb. I managed to get up the first steep ramp but that sent my pulse rate scarily high and shredded my legs so I saw sense and walked up 20 metres of the next ramp, 50 of the third, and all of the 4th. I also walked the last third of the steep lump coming in to Llandudno. The climb to the chippie at the end caught me out too - I had noticed a steep blip on the profile but thought it was a glitch; it wasn't!

Overall though, the singlespeed bike was a good choice for the ride. I covered 168 km (105 miles) in total and I walked less than 1 km (0.5 mile) of it

I didn't really have time to get fish and chips at the finish so I headed off to the station with Kestevan and called in at a supermarket on the way for a bottle of Coke and a couple of sandwiches.

Some rather intoxicated middle-aged women were heading back to Rhyl and wanted me to answer a question ... The train to Manchester would set off from platform 1, but did the trains arrive at platform 2? I asked how a train could leave from platform 1 without having first arrived there? One woman started laughing and said "I dunno - you're the sober one, you tell us!" :laugh:

I was a bit worried about Littgull and alibaba who had not been at the chippie when I got there and were not at the station either. I think they had taken a wrong turn somewhere and somehow ended up behind me. They eventually turned up at the station about 10 minutes before the train was due to leave and were both close to bonking so I donated half a sandwich to each of them. They then decided to leg it to a takeaway across the road from the station to buy fish and chips. I felt a bit stressed when the train came in and they had still not returned. They eventually came back with a couple of minutes to spare and we ate our fish and chips on the train.

There were an awful lot of drunken people wandering about in the centre of Manchester when Littgull and I cycled back to Manchester Victoria for our trains home. I had forgotten what city centres are like at 10 o/c on a Saturday evening.

A good day out on the bike! :okay:


Openly Marxist
I bet Mossy got a seat!

Did Wanda and TC ride the whole distance?
@wanda2010 got a train from Shotton as planned. I got paced up to the front of the hilly ride by @McWobble, who did the whole hilly route stuck in the big chainring! We hit the golf course at Prestatyn and turned into a horrible headwind, so I hopped on the train there, and had time for a leisurely scampi and chips and a pint before we watched @Happypigfour bring in the flatrouters. Result. I then drank mostly beer before @tommaguzzi got lumbered with a round with my fancy rhubarb gin in it...
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