Male Cyclists aged 40-60

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At work
Cotton and wool mixture shirt, red woollen pullover(s), wool mixture trousers or plus 2s (over underpants:ohmy: ) with long socks, black woollen cap and silk scarf in the winter, Silk shirts and cotton shorts in the summer. Never lycra or tweed.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Hi, I am a 3rd year student researching male cyclists, between the ages of 40-60. If anyone could reply to a few questions i have i would be very very grateful.

1. Do you cycle to work? Yes

2. Do you cycle for leisure? Yes

3. What sort of clothes do you wear for cycling? mainly lycra cycling gear

4. What other past times do you do when not at work or cycling? Mostly reading and surfing the internet.
5. Would you be interested in a more smart but breathable and movable clothing range? Would always be interested to look at it providing the price was not too high.

Thanks again :smile:


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
1. Do you cycle to work? Yes

2. Do you cycle for leisure? Yes

3. What sort of clothes do you wear for cycling? Cycling clothes

4. What other past times do you do when not at work or cycling? Rugby, shooting, music, dining, cooking, photography, walking (it's "passtimes" by the way, ie ways to pass the time. Past times are historical instances. Bloody students).

5. Would you be interested in a more smart but breathable and movable clothing range? Not really.


Well-Known Member
1. No
2. Yes
3. Casual rides, casual clothing. Day rides/tours, cycle specific clothing.
4. Home recording studio.
5. Maybe..if meets both of my criteria as answered on question 3


Über Member
1. Do you cycle to work? - YES

2. Do you cycle for leisure? - YES

3. What sort of clothes do you wear for cycling? - CYCLE CLOTHING

4. What other past times do you do when not at work or cycling? - WALKING, RECORD COLLECTING

5. Would you be interested in a more smart but breathable and movable clothing range? - YES


It was bad enough last week being told by a computer that i am a Senior citizen.But now i am too old to take part in a survey.Life does not finish at 60

Part time cyclist

Über Member
Hi, I am a 3rd year student researching male cyclists, between the ages of 40-60. If anyone could reply to a few questions i have i would be very very grateful.

1. Do you cycle to work?

2. Do you cycle for leisure?

3. What sort of clothes do you wear for cycling?

4. What other past times do you do when not at work or cycling?

5. Would you be interested in a more smart but breathable and movable clothing range?

Thanks again :smile:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Sports clothing including cycling shorts
4. Running, coaching gymnastics
5. Yes


3.Windproof jacket,technical cycle tops,cycle shoes,padded shorts
4.Running,golf,going to gigs,music,watching football and sports,betting (sometimes),drinking in moderation,cinema,eating nice food,dog walking,sleeping,web surfing


New Member
1 no
2 yes
3 Lycra makes me feel sexy, OK it's a fetish but it's one I am proud of.
4 going to the pub and slagging women off, particularly HER up upstairs: bitch.^_^
5 no


Über Member
1. Do you cycle to work? No I commute by husky dogs and sleigh

2. Do you cycle for leisure? NO ...... who,s this leisure bloke ?

3. What sort of clothes do you wear for cycling? Hob nail boots and a wetsuit

4. What other past times do you do when not at work or cycling? I build carparks for ants outta crumbs of spam

5. Would you be interested in a more smart but breathable and movable clothing range? Nope, my mum told me never to trust clothes that can breath and move
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