1/It tends to smack of an underlying issue that is not being addressed rather than a serial liar. If your partner wants you to go out shoe shopping with them I am sure we all find all sorts of excuses to avoid saying we don't want to go - tired, other things to do, important match on the telly, friend might call round....... If they suggest you can pop into the bike shop while they are shoe shopping suddenly the situation changes and not because all your previous excuses suddenly have been dealt with.
2/Plenty of places manage in the 30%+ cycling and some up to 50%. I was in China in 1981 when it was close to 100% although that is no cycling Nirvana - more like walking down Oxford St on the Saturday before Christmas. The thing is in those places with high cycling percentages cycling is seen as a normal thing to do. Walk round Cambridge or Amsterdam and you will see virtually no-one dressed up in lycra and all the gear. They just cycle round on ordinary bikes in ordinary clothes.
3/Boris Bikes and Velib and Bicing and Dublincycles have been so successful at getting people cycling because again they are seen as something normal people can do whereas if you get out on the Blueways there is a class apart all togged up, heads down that seems a totally alien activity to most people. And the most amazing thing - the Boris Bikers are far safer. Not a single serious injury in six million journeys when the London and national statistics would have predicted 13 serious injuries by now.
And that's not unique to London
4/Yes, you've already told us elsewhere that you have no time for science or evidence, just your personal beliefs.