It does depend what your goals are ultimately, but you do know that Maffetone method has been shown to fail to produce the training results he has promised, don't you?
It may be a good way to stay healthy, but if you want to improve performance, you will need a high intensity component, as well as the low intensity stuff, which Maffetone believed (erroneously) would deliver improvements on it's own.
His method for identifying the correct training zone (age formula) is generic and highly likely to result in individuals working in entirely different HRmax percentage zones. HRmax is NOT directly correlated to either age or fitness.
I am not going to even comment on the carb experiment...
It may be a good way to stay healthy, but if you want to improve performance, you will need a high intensity component, as well as the low intensity stuff, which Maffetone believed (erroneously) would deliver improvements on it's own.
His method for identifying the correct training zone (age formula) is generic and highly likely to result in individuals working in entirely different HRmax percentage zones. HRmax is NOT directly correlated to either age or fitness.
I am not going to even comment on the carb experiment...