Thanks everyone for all the replies it has given me loads to think about.
I bought a 47cm Trek Pilot 2 wsd, I didn't test ride it, but I did try a 47cm Trek 1.5 which seemed ok at the time.
I got it from a good bike shop locally. The only thing I have changed since then is put a comfy saddle on, (my backside is not yet ready for a racing saddle lol) reduced the bike post very slightly as I thought it was too high and tilted upwards the handlebars, so in other words everything.
I am due to go back for it's 6 week check soon, and I do like the look of the cross levers. I just feel very dangerous about having to apply the brakes quickly, it has certainly taken the shine off what I thought was a well thought purchase. I have cycled for many years but always used a hybrid.
As to having my hands on the hoods that is something I am not doing, I put them on the drops, so that is something I can certainly work on.
As to cycling a few hundred miles I am well off that target

. I am going to check all my measurements and go out tomorrow for a little run around the Wirral.