I took the train to Scotland once, wearing cycling gear and pushing my bike. I noticed a few girls on the platform having a crafty shufty at my bum - I guess they don't see much tight lycra at Preston station.
A good quality pair of lycra shorts is just super-comfy on the bike and holds the pad in the correct place without wrinkling so as far as I'm concerned lycra shorts are the only shorts for any kind of cycling. They are also more aerodynamic than flappy shorts and less annoyingly flappy at road speeds.
My mates wife laughed the first time he got lycra, she weighs 18 stone and wears legging the nearest she gets to working out is opening another packet of biscuits.
A good quality pair of lycra shorts is just super-comfy on the bike and holds the pad in the correct place without wrinkling so as far as I'm concerned lycra shorts are the only shorts for any kind of cycling. They are also more aerodynamic than flappy shorts and less annoyingly flappy at road speeds.
You have hit the nail on it's head. Lycra is the best, if not only way, to really appreciate bike riding. I have tried everything else. Those other clothes does not even come close to lycra shorts.
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