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Elmer Fudd

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Bigtallfatbloke said:
Apart from cycling is there anything else that interests you to be getting on with?
Used to love gardening, still do, but since I moved up North haven't had the chance as Jans house is a corner house, so you couldn't even set a one man tent in the back garden !!
Photography, although when you get an anxiety (panic) attack, you end up with some very Salvador Daliesque pictures !
Think I'll take a donner to see me new coo friends again tomorrow, if nowt else the fresh air will do me good !
My ambition is to follow you in your footsteps and do a weeks tour on me bike early next year, nowt too mad, as in, get Jan (SWMBO) to dump me 100/150mls away from home and meander me way back. So I will be PM'ing you as to how you got on with your kit/ carriers/ tent etc.


My thoughts Elmer...this was touched on in C+, its surprising how many people suffer..
Anti depressants did it for me, lifted me out of a five to ten year downward spiral i coudnt shake off on my own.
Cycing was the ONLY thing i kept coming back to and gave me some release, and co-incidentally, the forum was a great thing to replace negative thoughts for a while at a time.
Keep positive and have achievable aims, ....for me even 10 to 15 mile trips used to seem like a huge achievement :ohmy: when i knew i was capable of much more, but they gave me the lift i needed at times

BTW, any anti depressant users beware...i suffered a certain amount of loss of libido after a few months use....ive got most of it back, but.... :blush:

Sorry for the depressing story everyone....but you can climb out with the right help, its important to know that.


New Member
My ambition is to follow you in your footsteps and do a weeks tour on me bike early next year, nowt too mad, as in, get Jan (SWMBO) to dump me 100/150mls away from home and meander me way back. So I will be PM'ing you as to how you got on with your kit/ carriers/ tent etc.

feel free,,,not that I am an eggspert....(there are many other 'real' tourers on this board). I found this trip helped me with depression. Lot's of time, no pressure, lot's of fresh air and exercise. Also it's a great way to get up and do something...by which I mean because you are 100% on your own, you have no choice but to get on with things...like shopping, cooking etc...I think the independance is a good thing, so is the solitude for a short while. if I can help in anyway just pm me. No problems.:blush:
Elmer Fudd

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
gbb said:
BTW, any anti depressant users beware...i suffered a certain amount of loss of libido after a few months use....ive got most of it back, but.... :ohmy:
My second time on anti deps. Took meself of them 5 or 6 years ago after a yrs / 15 mths usage but suppose should have really reduced / come off under supervision.
As for libido / sex life ? Pah, forget it. I have promised SWMBO that I will make up for lost time though ! :blush:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Elmer et al
"So-Low" by Custom Blue...the only song that truly sums-up how I feel when I feel low why....
"I wish I didn't get so low....these things that I don't know, keep coming round again..."
It sometimes just helps me to focus on why I feel down, no doubt others will have songs that work for them?

Don't watch the video, enjoy the song.


Legendary Member
It's good to know you're not alone in having problems with your happiness quota. This forum has opened my eyes to that fact. It helps.

Good song Fab Foodie.
FF - I also have a couple of songs that mean a lot to me.

Evanescence - "Lithium" remins me what I'm fighting in times I am feeling weak.

Katatonia - "July" The raw power of this song allways grabs me and makes me feel alive. Even more so if I play along (bass) to it. Good if I'm feeling out of control.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Not sure what the B-Blockers do to one but I'm now permanently on anti-D's. I had a major episode about 10 years ago and the anti-D's are the things that mostly keep me going. My psychiatrist is very keen to see me continue cycling and even checks I've been riding when the weather has appeared to be particularly cr*p. I learned a lot about myself during my rehab 10 years ago, in particular what is and isn't important and what my triggers are. In those ways I'm stronger now than I was but in others I'm more vulnerable (stress). Relaxation is important, particularly if you have panic attacks/anxiety issues. But with depression it is also important to set achievable goals and do them. At my lowest just getting some dishes washed during the day was an aim. It's the positive reinforcement of those little achievements that help get one back. And just living in the moment is very helpful (the future can be left to take care of itself largely) to getting back to "normal".

Hang in there, stick to the meds if you are happy to accept them, and come off the anti-D's gradually with input from the Doc when the time is right. Learn from the experience so as not to make the same "mistakes" again. (you've had 2 episodes. 3 might leave in the permanent zone like me). You can conquer it - good luck.
Elmer Fudd

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Cheers 26 x 25, def going to follow doc's instructions this time, I'm also getting counselling at last !

One thing I do know (and I've always liked me beer, but not to excess) that the beer I'm drinking isn't helping me so I'm getting help with that as well.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, it's a long way off, but I can see it.
Evening Fuddles old chap. Having been down the anti-depressants (took them for two days, decided the side effects weren't worth the benefit) and beta-blocker route I know it's no fun. No fun for a partner either. My ex suffered pretty badly from depression and there was no way I could really understand what she was going through, which made things very awkward and difficult. Anyway, the old forum was a huge help for me, the support (even if people didn't necessarily realise that's what it was) made a big difference.
All the best to you and Jan. Heh, maybe you'll give up the Carling shandy and terrible American beer? There's always a silver lining if you look hard enough...:ohmy::blush:


New Member
seriously...alcohol and AD pills do not mix. Stop the drinking and keep taking the pills for a while...see how you feel after a few months of that. Alcohol is a depressant, not a pick me up...no...not good...not good..leave well alone and you should feel better.

Some peeps drink for a reason...maybe the counselling will help with that....but beer is not as good a friend as it would have you believe.
Some of these posts are sounding rather familiar. I've been there myself with depression and so have many of my friends. I don't know you but all I can say is what is evident, and it's this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And if ever you feel alone remember that there are people on here who have some clue as to what it's like. Good luck with it all.
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