rsvdaz said:
I guess what I need is a regime to help with my will power...
You need to adopt a SMART approach to setting your weight loss goal:
Time related (also Tangible)
have a look here :
Essentially, you have to decide what it is you want to achieve - if its 'simply' weight loss, then go down the route of millions of primarily focussed but ultimately disappointed slimmers - join weight watchers, use slimming pills etc.... the end result is always the same - yo yoing weight and dissatisfaction.
However, if you set yourself a physically attainable goal - e.g. complete a 100 m ile charity ride, or a 1 mile open water swim - the preparation for the event will result in ultimate weight loss . . . BUT you have to WANT to achieve your goal, anything entered into half heartedly is doomed to fail.
Apart from anything else, your own long term health benefits - proven by research - regular exercise and correct weight = healthier and longer life.
Sorry if this sounds a bit glib, I don't mean it to, but the simple equation ' calories expended > calories consumed = weight loss can't be argued with.
If you feel starved after a ride it might be because you aren't feeding properly during the ride, I suspect you go out and eat nothing, drink only water and when you stop your body needs feeding and tells you so ! The brain is programmed to ensure survival of the organism - it screams out for FOOD!
Try eating little and often DURING your ride - a banana half way through and an energy drink (PSP or something similar) and when you get back, have another banana and a cup of tea - focus on the goal you have set and steel yourself to resist pigging out - after a half hour or so the cravings should subside.
Good luck, let us know how you go on !