- Location
- The TerrorVortex
Arch said:Oh, not Captain Jack please. I used to think he was ok, although there's something about his mouth I don't quite like, but he's starting to really get on my nerves. Probably partly down to seeing John Barrowman on stuff as himself - he makes Graham Norton look like a shy retiring heterosexual...
If you must invite Torchwood, can Gwen bring her boyfriend along? He's about the only one I'd be interested in...
OK, Torchwood are off the case. Anything for you, Arch.

If we go back to my original lineup :-
-the sensible rugged leader Wafflycat or Arch
-his badass adversary Arch or Wafflycat
-the bird who flits between them both TheDoctor

-the brainy
Is there anyone there you'd be interested in?
Think carefully now. Your supply of coffee truffles and fish fingers may depend on your answer...