Think most folk go through stages where the enthusiasm goes and it applies to any hobby or activity. I enjoy a spot of fishing, running, cycling, and watching football and there are spells with all where I find I lose the drive to get up and go. As others have said, particularly bad time of year. I sometimes find that splashing some cash helps. To that end I've ordered some new pedals and am planning to invest in some new cycling shoes this week to kick start my cycling again
Saying all that, the first nice day in weeks y'day which made we want to get out on the bike for the first time this year, so I got the cycling gear on then ended up faffing about with a Garmin cadence sensor I got for Christmas to no avail so had a tantrum, realised my time was up anyway and so the bike went back in the shed

Turns out my watch has a problem so the whole lot has to go back to Garmin for a look/replacement. In fairness, they had no qualms - the watch and footpod are well over a year old and they said they'd repair or replace the whole bundle as required. Still annoying though.