hemp What, as in smoke enough and you won't give a bugger how tight your cleats are? ^_^
Cubist Still wavin' Location Ovver 'thill 18 Mar 2012 #16 david k said: hemp Click to expand... What, as in smoke enough and you won't give a bugger how tight your cleats are?
david k said: hemp Click to expand... What, as in smoke enough and you won't give a bugger how tight your cleats are?
david k Hi Location North West 19 Mar 2012 #17 the windy type used by us pipe fitters to ensure no leaks, it would stop the bolt coming loose
OP OP MRE Regular Location Norfolk 23 Mar 2012 #18 Thank you for the suggestions. I've used Loctite and it seems to have worked not any problems this week.
Thank you for the suggestions. I've used Loctite and it seems to have worked not any problems this week.