Are those bunch of idiots (ABD) for real?
I see they're anti 20mph speed limits. We've had a slightly odd thing in our village. Since the 20 limit was introduced a few years ago, speeding in the village has increased (the parish council regularly monitors and publishes results). Now, you may be thinking that people are just doing the speed they were before the limit drop, but that's not the case. Part of the reason for the 20 limit is parked vehicles on the main street meaning only one lane open at any time. Since the drop, I regularly see people "racing" to get to the gap so they don't have to give way to the oncoming traffic. The assumption is that the oncoming traffic will be observing the limit, so therefore they have time to get through. The result is vehicles running through the gap at close to double the limit. It's actually quite scary when sitting on a cycle of a motorcycle with them effectively aiming for you. There have been many near misses and it's a regularly discussed topic in parish council meetings. It genuinely wasn't as bad before the limit change, but overall, it has to be said that it's safer as the majority do keep to an appropriate speed. A nearby 30 mph road into the village is also regularly policed by local plod and the community speed watch guys in addition to boxes on the side of the road to record traffic and speed data. Average speed there is usually between 38-45 mph with peaks as high at 80 mph (it's a long straight road). I've lost count of the times I've been overtaken when driving at the speed limit up there. It's also part of one of the NCN routes for good measure, so quite often has a number of cyclists using it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want the 30 limit back in the village and I'm not against the lower limit, but I really do wish people would keep to it for everybody's sake.