That looks even more stunning than when you got it - possibly the best looking bike I have ever seen.
Despite my negative experiences with two ALR 5's (see earlier post in this thread) I went and bought a third 16 months ago and it has been a dream to ride.
It is a very smooth ride so I assume the rear Isospeed (and 32mm tyres) are making a difference - the seatpost certainly flexs about a lot!
Does yours have Isospeed upfront too?
Thanks for the compliment. Yes, Isospeed front and rear, but as has already been mentioned it's the 32mm tyres that make it smooth, not the Isospeed.
Mine came with 32mm tyres as standard but those were ditched when l replaced the wheels and went to 28mm. Huge amount of difference in terms of comfort, but I wanted to standardise my tyres and tubes over all my bikes, so the 32mm one had to go.
I cannot feel any noticeable movement in either the front or the rear Isospeed couplers? Certainly wouldnt recommend them as a means to aid comfort.
As l said in one of my other posts, the titanium frame is equally as comfortable as the SL8