Would have thought so, but only really need knobblies for mud. If the going is relatively firm, the fitted tyres will probably suffice.
Great! Well I took the bike out for its first ride over the weekend on gravel tracks and grass and it seemed to cope just fine with the standard tyres so will hold off on getting some knobblies haha.
Factory fitted tyres are a movable feast, so the first step is to see what the bike turns up with.
The shallow tread tyres in the pics on the website would be fine for fairly dry forest tracks and even light mud.
As said, knobblies are really only needed for properly muddy conditions which you are unlikely to encounter at this time of year.
You could buy a pair a bit later, whack them on for the winter months and go back to the shallow tread tyres next spring.
Cool, thanks for the tip!
As I say I took the bike out for its first run - I did notice, however that gears 13, 14 and 15 would change and then every so often "clunk", presumably as the cogs were turning to a certain point. I've had it on previous bikes - is this something I can easily fix myself or would it be best to head back to Halfords for them to take a look? It appeared to do it on both the upward and downward change.
Overall though I'm really pleased with the bike and it felt great to get out on a bike again!