Wow hot topic! I didn't think I'd be so popular so soon...
Sorting the wheat from the chaff, yes it did occur to me that 1000 calories was a lot to be burning up in an hour. I'm not completely daft. However, on days when I don't do much exercise, the calorie limit is quite low so it seems to balance out with the notion that if you exercise, you need to eat. I can't afford a personal trainer and nutritionalist so this will do for now. It's not an Atkins diet or Akai diet, Cambridge diet or some other faddy thing where people feel worse and not better for doing it.
In the end, the food diary accomplishes two things: one, I learn about what I am eating which puts the onus on me to keep with a regime and make better-informed choices; secondly if I do go to the doctor's, I actually have something to show him about my diet and exercise routine. I'm not one for running to the doctor's whenever I sneeze or have a slight headache. I rarely take and pills or medicine. The last thing I want to do it to turn up there without a clue of how I've been treating my body.
For what it's worth, I ate a lot more on the first day of cycling while on this eating plan and I didn't feel anywhere near as bad as I have done in the past, so it's not all hokum.
I plan to go with this for a couple of weeks and if things don't improve (which they seem to have already) then I go to the doctor's and get checked out for a deficiency or condition of some sort.