long term cough, doctors can't find anything wrong

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What’s the point
I should add, it started after I had a couple of summer colds one after the other. Like the tail end of a cold that never clears up.
I had something similar back in 2010. after i had been pushing myself too hard in work. early starts late finishes not eating properly too much beer. the missus made me go to the docs and he too couldn't find anything wrong- had allergy tests ( very very comprehensive ) went for chest x rays and had a visit to the chest specialist who put me through a good hard COPD test ( and said afetr first test that nothing wrong with lungs) noticed it in the july just before we went on holidays

I took life easy for a few months and let batteries recharge ( started back on the bike properly after a 20 year layoff) and the cough went by december.

I didn't realise stress could do that to you till it happened. it knocked me for six as i used to go diving to relax but the cough made diving difficult so couldn't relax and vicious circle


It's a thought but I don't think the house is particularly damp, no damp walls, central heating etc.
Try a spring clean with fresh sheets and duvet covers.

I'm actually sensitive to seasonal damp so suggest you also time that when the day has been 100% sun with low humidity.


You've already had lots of tests, so hopefully the doctors would have spotted if it were the kind of nasty illness that @gbb had!
Sounds like you have taken the right steps wheeliebin, thats a good start.
CTscan and xray of the head or chest ?
Camera down the throat..into the lungs or windpipe ?
Mine was chest, and a CT scan of the chest should quite clearly show pleurisy or pneumonia and my TB showed up on xrays, bronchioscopy will allow them to check for deep rooted infections.
I'd suffered with night sweats, incredible lethargy, long term cough.
If ypure not suffering tiredness, sweats, temperatures, its probably not infection based on my experience, for what thats worth.
Hope you find some resolution, it is debilitating and fustrating when you get something that wont shift.


the missus has this long term cough, despite all the tests and being told she's doesnt have asthma etc etc when she uses our daughters inhaler the cough goes away ...... their (the docs) answer was to simply use the daughters inhaler ^_^
the missus has this long term cough, despite all the tests and being told she's doesnt have asthma etc etc when she uses our daughters inhaler the cough goes away ...... their (the docs) answer was to simply use the daughters inhaler ^_^
Interesting, some of the various attempted treatments I have had include 2 different inhalers (at different times). These did provide some temporary relief from the cough symptoms, although it never went away entirely.
Sounds like you have taken the right steps wheeliebin, thats a good start.
CTscan and xray of the head or chest ?
Camera down the throat..into the lungs or windpipe ?
Mine was chest, and a CT scan of the chest should quite clearly show pleurisy or pneumonia and my TB showed up on xrays, bronchioscopy will allow them to check for deep rooted infections.
I'd suffered with night sweats, incredible lethargy, long term cough.
If ypure not suffering tiredness, sweats, temperatures, its probably not infection based on my experience, for what thats worth.
Hope you find some resolution, it is debilitating and fustrating when you get something that wont shift.
CT scan of head, sinuses in particular.
Camera up nose and down the throat but not into the lungs.
X-ray of chest.
I'm not suffering from tiredness or sweats/temperatures, so I'm tending to think it is either a reaction to something in the environment or an auto-immune type condition.
Thanks, debilitating and frustrating are definitely the words. Couldn't cycle to work today I was coughing so much this morning.
Can you conduct an unscientific experiment on yourself and stay off all dairy for 1 week?
And I mean all dairy...

You may find symptoms clear up.

I suggest it because I'm allergic to dairy and one of the issues I had before the allergy became anaphylactic shock was the dripping mucus down the back of the throat. I appreciate it isn't an easy option but worth a shot in the dark despite the difficulties involved in excluding all dairy from your diet for 7 days.
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