London to Brighton advice

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Active Member
I am also the wrong side of 50, returned to cycling and have also registered for the L2B fun run.
The farthest I've travelled to date is 20 miles, plan to do 30 on Saturday. Looks like some decent weather
might be heading our way so plenty opportunity to get the miles clocked up. Can't wait for the 16th June !


Well-Known Member
Clacton on Sea
I'm booked in along with my brothers, can't wait.


Über Member
TBH there are people that do this with little or no experience. If you can ride any distance you'll be fine. Don't expect to be able to go very fast and expect walkers at every hill. If you want to ride the hills do it very early or the day before.

But it's not designed as a sportive or whatever it's a fun day. God have fun see the sites and sit on the beach. Find a bike friendly B&B stay overnight and ride back. Ditchling Beacon backwards is a great hoot.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
BL, if you ride 40 miles at weekends you will be absolutely fine, without any doubt. The BHF run is incredibly crowded and , as others have said, it's almost impossible to cycle up Ditchling because of the sheer density of riders/walkers.

I walk it when the road is entirely empty BTW....:cry:

Have fun.


When is the next forum L2B ride (day or night)?
I came up to HPC in November for the start of the veteran car rally,with the intent of riding to Brighton,but the weather was atrocious and had to return home :-(


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Appart for the numurous questions on how the hell am i going to do the ride the main queston is can i change my rear cassette to aid these tired old legs when on the hills.
Your challange here is to help the aged if you can :smile:

You can change your cassette to a 32 tooth max if you wish and it will make a difference but you will need to change the derailleur for a medium cage one, total cost about £60 if you d.i.y. But as everyone says Ditchling is the only major climb. I have done the ride and the great thing about is you can take it at your own pace. It really is a great day out. Enjoy.


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Will be riding the L to B this year at the age of sixty eight, as others have said don't worry about Ditchling it will be full of WALKING cyclists and the chance of getting through them without stopping are not good. Glad to say my Triban 3 has a granny gear which I rarely have to use been riding several forty mile rides on it since starting cycling two months ago and one sixty mile ride with no problems. Remember it's a ride not a race!


Über Member
When is the next forum L2B ride (day or night)?
I came up to HPC in November for the start of the veteran car rally,with the intent of riding to Brighton,but the weather was atrocious and had to return home :-(
Whenever you want it to be. Organise it :biggrin:

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
If it helps, I found my first L2B a lot easier than I thought. Although the amount of time spent in the saddle was considerable the effort really wasn't too bad. three hills to contend with (dependant upon your actual route) but nothing really awful or long winded.

what helped...enormously...was the crowd, you literally get pushed along with the buzz and the company.


Well-Known Member
Clacton on Sea
When I signed up i created a team as my brothers and a few friends wanted to do it. Is there anywhere on the website that shows who has signed up to the team so that I know who to chase?
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