Glad you came back, STV1. It's a shame you will miss filming over the winter weather, which is when commutes get much more extreme...
I imagine you may not have a brief to respond to some of the concerns raised here but I bet they might give your team pause for thought. After my friend's experience, and Benefits Street (among others), I would never, ever take part in a tv show. I was also asked recently by a very respectable programme-maker if he could use a shot of my house for his history documentary. I readily agreed, until I found that the independent film company making the show (for BBC4) had a clause in the contract basically saying they could use the footage for absolutely anything, including advertising, for ever. We wouldn't sign. Why (in this instance) be so greedy when it's just self-sabotage?
Your show might be utterly honest and kosher and you might be full of integrity but your industry has bad form.