Great thread. My tuppence worth:
a) My teenage daughter won't cycle alone in London and none of her friends do. By contrast a friend's daughter in Holland does so as do all her friends. I'm not convinced that we'll get loads of teenage girls (or maybe even boys) cycling in the traffic and therefore are likely to have fewer adults cycling.
b) No one I have asked has agreed to send their child to cycle National Cycle Route 4 (A roads in part plus roundabouts etc.) from the Albert Embankment to Gabriels Wharf. All are willing to send them along the parallel trafffic free Thames Path (though wary about them conflicting with pedestrians).
c) Hyde Park, Hyde Park Corner (through the middle rather than round it), Green Park route, thhe route by the Mall - all are wonderfully segregated from traffic, very popular and and used by a volume of cyclists every day that are unlikely to be seen on the wiggly Wandle Trail in a year.
d) Bus Lanes are erstatz cycle lanes. Where they've widened them on CS7 has made a big improvement as you can pass a bus that is stopped while staying in the lane. Let's get more bus drivers to have cycle training and have a 20mph limit for buses in lanes shared with cyclists.
e) Cable Street on CS 3 exemplifies a problem we have that the Netherlands don't. In Holland pedestrians and joggers go straight over a side road at the same time as drivers go straight on. Anyone turning off has to give way to a ped'n/jogger/cyclist coming up to the side road. Here the traffic turning off almost always has priority - resulting in start/stop journeys on segregated routes. I think pro-segregation campaigners have to campaign for this change. I don't know what the downsides are from a DfT perspective but imagine that it might cause motorists to spend more time stationary on the main road thus limiting capacity and smooth traffic flow so unlikely to be popular with petrolheads.
f) I think the easy win is pushing for more and wider bus and cycle lanes, and getting them 24/7 rather than rush hour only (excluding school home times!) Mo - Fri or Mo - Sat.
g) The centre of London should have no taxis or private cars but loads of Hire Bikes and Hire Mobility Scooters for those who can't walk or ride a bike.
h) While there's the expectation by cycle campaign organisations and the DfT that cyclists are on the road there has to be loads and loads of cycle training especially for kids, strict liability and 20mph except where reasonable for it to be more.
various illustrated posts on the above (though sadly no skilled Dellzeqq drawings) are on my blog