As always, wise words from Oldhippy. The virus would likely prove fatal for Mrs D who has an auto immune disease, and Mini D is asthmatic. Im well avove average fitness, but I'm smack in the danger zone age wise and have male pattern baldness, which is the single biggest genetic imdicator of risk among adult males so I'm also very keen not to get it. With all this in mind we're all being uber scrupulous about obeying the rules, and then some.
People who don't observe the rules are fools. People who try and make themselves look clever by scoring political points from the situation are fools. People who just don't think this is serious, or doesn't apply to them are fools. This illness is no joke, and is now the biggest single cause of death among adults in the UK.
I don't give a sheet if people are sick and tired of it, or of they think the government should be doing something else, or blah blah blah whinge moan whatever - shifting blame to someone or something else is an irrelevance We as individuals all know what we need to be doing, yet far too few are doing it. If we all did that then Boris could strip naked and start wearing a jesters hat for all the difference it would make - the reason things aren't working is because of the behaviour of a significant sector of the population, and thats their fault and no one elses. Blaming Boris or Chris Whitty for your own lack of hygiene and distancing as your rattle away your last breaths on a venitilator isn't going to help - that's the virus equivalent of a dying cyclist screaming "it was my right of way!"
Christ, if Hitler tried to invade today we'd all be speaking German by Friday if this is an indication of how well we pull together to do what's right in the 21st century. And then there would still be people who would blame someone else for their own lack of backbone.