lock outs? what does it mean,

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My OH's Rebas work like this. When the lockout says they're locked out, they're actually not. It confused me when she first got the bike because mine works the way you'd expect it to. (Hers is a push lock and mine is a pop lock ... I think :scratch:)
not sure what I have to be honest - will have to go off and look it up...

SR Suntour SF11-XCR-DS-26-LO-SP apparently if I go via the link on the forum posting...on the new (2nd hand) mountain bike (2011 Rockhopper) will have to check that in the literature that came with the bike and also on the bike (back outside undercover in the snow, so not going back out their tonight). my old mtb bikes were both Scott's - one a Scott Scale 40 2009 model (IIRC Fox 32 F100RL) and the other not work mentioning because of its age...

They always seem to rotate backwards to my way of thinking... but I suspect it has more to do with the way my mind works than anything else. (If I hit something I was trying to miss, I usually say "missed" rather than "got it" because "I missed going around it!" Just adds to the spice of life really!


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
My OH's has a button that you push in to set them one way, then you push it again to make it come back out and set them the other way. I THINK that's what they call a push lock. When it's in the out position, you can see a little padlock on the side of it, which makes me think, "You need to push this in to lock the forks." But, no. Out is locked!

Mine has a lever that you push flat against the bars to lock the forks, and a little button next to it that you press to release the lever (and the lock on the forks). I think this is a pop lock because the lever pops out when you push the button.

I could be totally wrong, though. It certainly wouldn't be the first time.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
My OH's has a button that you push in to set them one way, then you push it again to make it come back out and set them the other way. I THINK that's what they call a push lock. When it's in the out position, you can see a little padlock on the side of it, which makes me think, "You need to push this in to lock the forks." But, no. Out is locked!

Mine has a lever that you push flat against the bars to lock the forks, and a little button next to it that you press to release the lever (and the lock on the forks). I think this is a pop lock because the lever pops out when you push the button.

I could be totally wrong, though. It certainly wouldn't be the first time.
No, you're right, and youre poploc has approximately 37.5 activations* left before it stops unlocking when you release it. You'll then spend the next three years swapping cables, trying new lubes, using thinner inners and fatter outers before you give up and decide that it locks them for you, but you have to press the little side button, then reach down and persuade the bobbin on the top of the fork to go back round and unlock, then push the cable back in its housing and reset the button by pushing down on the exposed cable stop that is sticking up.

Or it may work fabulously forever.

Crown lockout FTW, (except for Fox Floats when you're wearing gloves and then you'll knock the compression damping out of adjustment every time you lock and unlock the forks.)

* Of course it may be 38.


Über Member
you have the lockout cable (or hydraulic hose) adjusted correctly?

lockout on forks is pretty rigid - you would need to be super strong to be able to bottom forks out - by that I mean hold the front brake and press on the bars as opposed to jumping off a 4 m ledge!


It's cable operated,

its bottom out very easy, gettin out the saddle when climbing up an hill will do it,
I shall have a go at pulling the cable tighter, at the weekend,


Had a bit of time to do some maintenance work today
and guess wot, I am a kn*b,
all I did was to pulled the cable tighter, tighten the little screw, and now, I have fork lockouts, with very little movement.

Thanks for your help.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Glad it's sorted. This thread prompted me to have another go at making my poploc work. I stripped the motion control damper and repositioned the spring, but that still stuck on locked when I released the poploc. In the end I took it out altogether and fitted a spare crown lever I found knocking about. Weight weenies will be pleased to hear I saved 70g by taking off the poploc remote and cable, and a further 3.5 grammes removing the spring. ^_^

@lulubel Pushloc is a variable adjustment between full compression damping, and a gradual reduction to zero. It affects the start of the fork's stroke. Longer travel forks may benefit from more start-damping on certain types of terrain, making them more or less sensitive to little hits or chatter, and really long forks can suffer from brake-dive when set too plush. If I may be so bold, your petite build is unlikely to affect a 100mm fork until you really stand up and pagger it up a climb, but great fat Clydesdales like me can make a 150mm fork bob by thinking about accelerating.

Poploc is on or off, no middle ground. It was a bit of a gimick as far as I can make out, a hangover from forks like the Dart which didn't need to think about compression damping. I'm kinda glad to see the back of mine, but others' experience will differ!
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