Loan of a road bike, spoiled

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So, after hitting 1k miles on my Hybrid, thinking of getting a road bike...

A friend of mine has lent me a Raleigh Airlite 200 for a couple of weeks which probably isn't anything special to people on here, but compared to my old hybrid it's lovely.

Only thing is the gears are slipping on the rear smallest cogs.

I've only ridden a few miles on it today and it's not nice worrying if the gears are gonna slip - especially not being used to a road bike.


I would like to get the most out of this loan and don't mind spending a little on it.

What do people recommend - would it be worth just getting a new chain or now it's started slipping does this also mean a new cassette? I replaced the freewheel and chain on my hybrid no problems with tips on here so not worried about actually doing it- plus it only cost £16 with shimano freewheel tool.

If so, any pointers as to what chain and cassette it would need?


So, after hitting 1k miles on my Hybrid, thinking of getting a road bike...

A friend of mine has lent me a Raleigh Airlite 200 for a couple of weeks which probably isn't anything special to people on here, but compared to my old hybrid it's lovely.

Only thing is the gears are slipping on the rear smallest cogs.

I've only ridden a few miles on it today and it's not nice worrying if the gears are gonna slip - especially not being used to a road bike.


I would like to get the most out of this loan and don't mind spending a little on it.

What do people recommend - would it be worth just getting a new chain or now it's started slipping does this also mean a new cassette? I replaced the freewheel and chain on my hybrid no problems with tips on here so not worried about actually doing it- plus it only cost £16 with shimano freewheel tool.

If so, any pointers as to what chain and cassette it would need?



Depends on what is causing the slipping. The usual suspect is someone had fitted a new chain onto a worn cassette so it could need a new one. Measure the chain on the top run with a bit of light pressure on the pedals. If the distance over 12 links is exactly 12" its a new chain and I would suspect a worn cassette. If its 12 1/16th inches then the chain is worn - but usually worn chains on a worn or new cassette does not slip.

You could also check the indexing set up. If a chain is flipping between gears it can feel like its slipping.
The gears might just need the cable tightened/ reindexed (this is a good guide) Or if you are changing down the block but the gears don't actually change, they can suddenly become free and slip down the block at a later date. I would try cleaning and lubing the cables/ derailleur first and maybe consider replacing cables inner and perhaps outers. If the existing chain is worn to the existing cogs, as would be natural, its unlikely slipping due to them unless there is damage to the cogs.
Check the front limiters too. If its only slipping on the smallest cogs, when you're in the smallest front ring (not recommended btw) then it could simply be the front limiter rubbing and not letting the chain move all the way across. its another possibility, and worth checking before using a new chain or cassette.


I did measure the chain with a ruler and it was bang on 12 inches between the links, it could be that it had been replaced too late in the past and the cassette is shot.

I'll have a proper look at the cog tomorrow in the light to make sure it's not got any stones stuck - I'll also have a go at indexing.

I'll also make sure the lock ring is tight.

Thanks for all the tips.



Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Look for any teeth on the cassette that are shaped like shark's fins... sure sign that it's worn.

To replace you may need different tools to the freewheel remover you already have. You may find the splines of the freewheel remover fit your lockring, in which case only a chain whip will be needed. Cassette lockring tools are cheap if you need one of those too.

As for the model of cassette and chain to replace.... cheapest Shimano cassette you can find with the same number of sprockets as you have currently - likely to be 8 speed (in which case HG30 - IIRC) or 9 speed (HG50) and keep to approx the same number of teeth on biggest sprocket.

Chain - KMC, again the cheapest model you can find for the number of speeds on the cassette.


OK, just an update..

I measured the chain last night - exactly 12inches so chain seems OK.

I also inspected the rear cogs, no stones stuck and didn;t seem worn.

I rode in to work today with the intention of having a little look. but whatever the problem was before, it seems to have fixed itself - maybe something was seized as it hasn't been used for a while? When I rode it yesterday it wouldn't go on the big ring but today it did - I didn't try and change back to the small cog and the rear gears were fine with the chain on the big cog.

I'm going for a longer ride on the way home tonight so will know more then.

When I rode it yesterday it wouldn't go on the big ring but today it did - I didn't try and change back to the small cog and the rear gears were fine with the chain on the big cog.

Dunno if you didn't see my post before, but this make me even more suspicious its your front limiters.


I think that's it...

It probaby just needs a bit of TLC, I wanted to have a go today but too busy at work (pah)

Anyway, rode home on it tonight (17.6 miles) and thought I'd have a go at a PB - previous on my hybrid was 1hr 6mins and that nearly killed me.

Even with a few lights against me and some b****ard almost left hooking me on the Bristol Road turning left into Bournville lane as I was going about 30 and had to almost stop.

Managed just under an hour so dead chuffed.


Looks like I'll be getting a road bike then...

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