I hope I misunderstand, but if your response to developing a potentially fatal condition is to ask about it on a internet forum, please get yourself to a doctor and get proper allergy tests done. I'm sure others can better share their NHS experience, but I'd expect skin scratch test(s), then get advice on diet, what to do with a reaction (ie very importantly when to got to A&E or call an ambulance) and also anything else you may have developed an allergy to.
I remember listening to a group of asthmatics discussing "would you die of embarrassment?" I.E. "might you wait too long to go to a hospital with an asthma attack because you don't want to make a fuss?" It's important that you know if/when you should make a fuss.
I remember listening to a group of asthmatics discussing "would you die of embarrassment?" I.E. "might you wait too long to go to a hospital with an asthma attack because you don't want to make a fuss?" It's important that you know if/when you should make a fuss.