dodgy said:
Did anyone go then? I was there, stood near the finishing line by the Shimano show tent. Nice little day out
Yep - Dodge': I went, got about 20mins of vid.
Will sort it later but some of its pants.
Had a bit of a barny with some official who didn't like the idea of me putting my bike against a road closed sign even though hardly any cars go along that road anyway.
Good job the video wasnt recording then ! B)
Stiil, got a bottle from the CSC-SAXO:BANK team who had a load of filled up' spare so gave them away.
I dont know what was in it bit it
tasted good on the bike 
but for a regular drink it didnt do anything.
Think it was ScienceinSport as it was one of the sponsors - may just research the drinks they do: nice taste.
Seen Tyler Hamilton working on his public relations after coming back from his drugs probs...
Malcolm Elliot: looks fit as usual, even had DMT training shoes.
Didn't see anyone else really other than when they were riding.
I wanted a roady cap if poss. BUT they went otherways...