I see it all the time, round here, I have reported fly tipping several times, but that just means somebody cleans it up for the inconsiderate morons who dumped it.
Some go to a lot of trouble to dump stuff, it would be far easier to take it to the official dump in a lot of cases.
It would. I never understood why people would take the trouble to drive into the country to dump stuff in a layby, when it would have been easier to drive to the local recycling centre and drop it off there. I can only thnk that those people for some reason just aren't aware of the recyclng centres.
You would think that, with the environment so high on everyone`s agenda, that they would bring back the old fashioned tv info bulletins. I remember the "keep Britain tidy" slogan. It was everywhere when I was a kid. No doubt they would say we shouldn`t go down the route of brainwashing our kids! Well I was brainwashed and it didn`t do me any harm and I don`t ever drop litter!
Oh and I don`t do Mcfastfood or choccy bars etc. which helps
It isn't "brainwashing" to teach people to tidy up after themselves. I don't think you would find anybody who thinks we shouldn't be teaching that message, it is just apathy that means it isn't getting taught.
With large items its the cost of getting rid of them. If you don't drive its £30.00 for one large item to be taken by the council and its a bit less from a man in a van. People don't want to pay anything, so just dump it at night.
I can sort of understand that if they just dump it within carrying distance of home. But you find these things dumped in places they have to0 drive to reach. That isn't cost (since the recycling centres are generally free for domestic users).
And here it is £20 for up to 3 bulky items for council collection if you don't drive.
With general littering its laziness, and sticking two fingers up, general couldn't care less attitude etc. The councils also need more bins outside and to empty household bins more as well. Lack of emptying causes littering as well as rats etc. The councils are partly to blame for increased fly tipping.
I don't agree here, not many households generate more general rubbish than the council will collect.
But I must say, we moved house last year - we had been just outside Merthyr Tydfil for 20 years, then lived in Abercynon for 6 months while looking for a new house, and now live in the Vale of Glamorgan, a much more affluent area than either of those. It is one of the things I have really noticed, just how much less fly tipping and general littering there is round here than there was in the Valleys.