listening to music whilst cycling???

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I just did a little test.....

MP3 and headphones.

1. In town: I found that the music in both ears greatly limited both my ability to hear and my sense of being a part of the traffic. It was altogether disconcerting. I took out first one ear thingy, then the other.

2. Climbing big hills near my town: Music kept me pedalling and I felt no sense of disengagement. As I look backward very often when climbing, I was not aware of any increased risk. I'd do that again, but the wires to the 'phones need to be long enough to allow for popping up out of the saddle. My ability to hear traffic was altered, but at no point did I feel more exposed than I would have done without earphones.

3. Descending at speed: Awesome. The MP3 earpieces completely stopped the wind noise. The music was great. I was shocked, when I pulled the ear thingies out, at quite how loud and intrusive the wind roar was. I'd never really noticed it before.

Comparison with listening to music in a car: Almost none. Physical activity v sitting and watching. Noisy, exposed environment v cocoon. A battery of mirrors v looking round.

My (highly personal and not very empirical) conclusions:

A: I liked cycling in the hills (no junctions, just big climbs and long descents) with music.

B: I felt very exposed and slightly nervous and irresponsible listening to music in town. I did not like it.

Everyone will feel differently about this, but that's about where I am.

It was Byrne & Eno, Life in the Bush of Ghosts. Excellent music for a ride in sunny, windswept hills.


Legendary Member
I've tried it...being uneasy about the idea.

I found that, with music at a sensible level I forgot that the music was on and my brain subconsciously filtered the music out anyway.

Being as it doesn't add anything to my personal riding experience, I don't bother because as mentioned it could be cited as partial culpability in a collision.

However, as I am currently a pedestrian, I have my earphones turned up full blast and enjoy nothing more that wandering willy-nilly around shared use facilities :laugh:


Über Member
Fail, this thread has moved on nicely. May I applaud Mr P for his continued questioning of the "made up facts" put forward by Jetzson as evidence, bravo :bravo:

For the record before I return to having dropped this ghastly thread forever - I think this thread goes as a good example of how arsey things can get on this forum and how reluctant many must find themsleves to express a viewpoint contrary to the more vocal and less politely restrained members of this forum for fear of getting a load of grief for it.

I found something I do under attack, I felt unecessarily - I presented my opinions and views as clearly and politely as possible, trying to source as many facts (as well as my professional audio background) to back them up. Fair enough if someone disagrees and my experiences don't match their's, but I got alot of it replied to with insults and derision and quite nasty harrangment, dismissing my points as 'bonkers', 'pseudo-science' and 'made up facts' without ever addressing any of it with anything other than anecdotal evidence. And that made me feel pretty sh*tty. I'm happy to have any robust debate, but this wasn't one.

Maybe I'm being oversensitive ... well, sometimes I think that but then I remember those people on the internet who love to wind people up and then get all "lol can't you take a bit of ribbing" often tend to be the same people who REALLY know how to throw the toys out of their pram when anyone slights them.

Anyway, said all I need to say on this thread, I'm done. No hard feelings to anyone, I'd buy you all drinks if I met you in real life (well, not ALL of you, I'm not rich) and hope to some day - but can we TRY to keep CycleChat FUN and FRIENDLY like it says at the top there?

Oh and it's Jez-ston. JEZ - STON ;)

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Seems to me some folk can listen to music whilst riding and some simply can't. I usually do and never have any problems. The volume's always at a moderate level, so as I can even hear faster cyclists approaching from behind, let alone traffic. I just wonder if it's a case of we are all different and perceive similar situations in different ways. I can't see any reason for arguing about it- it's just how it is. :biggrin:


A Human Being
My take on listening to music is that I would only listen to good music which I know can be very distracting and absorbing, not ideal for when being a vulnerable road user.


New Member
On the coast
Seems to me some folk can listen to music whilst riding and some simply can't. I usually do and never have any problems. The volume's always at a moderate level, so as I can even hear faster cyclists approaching from behind, let alone traffic. I just wonder if it's a case of we are all different and perceive similar situations in different ways. I can't see any reason for arguing about it- it's just how it is. :biggrin:

Well said, that man!

I seem to fall into the latter category. I tried it once, some years ago. Commuting to work early in the morning, very little traffic about, and whizzed along happily in time to the music. But coming home in heavy traffic, I felt so vulnerable I ripped the earphones out after just a couple of minutes, and have never done it since. More recently, there have been occasions when I've been tempted to take an mp3 player, especially on hot, sunny afternoon and I'm out for a pleasure ride, but then again I get enough enjoyment out of just being out an a bike... :bicycle:

I sort of agree with you about not arguing, but I don't have a problem with anyone wanting to discuss these issues. After all, some of these circular threads can be quite entertaining... :laugh:


New Member
I was coming up to a bend in the single-track rural road this morning, didn't consiously hear anything but something must have prompted me to get well over to the left and ring my bell. A 4x4 was coming the other way - we passed each other on the corner without incident. Ok we might have done that anyway, but it reaffirmed my belief that I would not have had that level of perception had I been wearing headphones.


Active Member
When I cycle on country roads (which I do every day on my commute), I will always keep to the left by default because I know, even if I could hear a car coming, someone will come round a bend owning most of the road as they think it is their right to do so because they are invincible.

I listen to music, albeit turned down so I can hear vehicles approaching. As someone else has mentioned in this thread, there are people who are more aware than others and it is down to the individual to make a decision as to whether they feel safe to listen to music or not.

To call someone an idiot for doing so is simply not nice and unfounded. People are replying to posts assuming everyone else is doing the same cycle trip as themselves. If I was doing a regular cycle in a busy built up area, I probably wouldn't listen to my music, or certainly not until I felt safe enough to do so. By this I mean I would like to monitor all vehicles and their speed until such time I got used to the feel of the route and thus learnt the danger zone areas, if any.

As with anything in life, we all have our own opinions and life lessons. We do what we feel is safe to do or we feel is right. That is our freedom of choice. So I would say, no-one in this thread is right or wrong. Each answer is appropriate to that person and not necessarily the whole forum at large. With this in mind, this has been an interesting debate, even if some life time members suggest it has been done 5 times or more in the past, it is obviously a good discussion topic! :smile:


Well-Known Member
this one is as bad as the great helmet debate. personally i wouldn't if the majority is on the roads or near public roads. Crack on though off roading i wear them if i am on the mtb off road


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
This just doesn't get old
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