The light arrived yesterday morning so I put it on charge for the afternoon and went out with it yesterday evening.
I only did 26km and it was on one of the lower settings for most of the time. Even so, the switch started flashing red when I was some way from home. Luckily, I still had the freshly charged battery from my other Magic-Shine-a-like on the bars (as well as my E3 dyno light) so I got back OK.
The remote switch works well but not in the way I'd wanted it to; it cycles through all the settings in turn and then switches off (centre light; both side lights; all 3; off) so it doesn't do "dip", "high" like I'd wanted it to.
Another wasted opportunity is the nature of the beams; they're all conical spots. It would be better if the outer lights had a spread beam. I couldn't detect much difference between any of them and I mostly ran with just the centre light switched on to eke out the battery a little longer.
It is impressively bright; I was on the Fallowfield Loop last night and it was really dark but this thing really lit everything up.
Everything considered, I think I'm going to send it back. If it had been £20, I'd keep it.
It looks like I'll have to start saving for an Exposure Strada.
Dear Santa..................
bit of thread resurrection, anyone tried plastikote?Mine is in a food bag inside my saddle bag which then also has a food bag over it. So far (touches wood) it has survived some torrential downpours
I've just bought one of these lights, haven't used it yet though... Anyone fancy summarising this thread for me?
I just wrap it around the bars and put the battery pack under the stem. If I put both lights on I put the other battery pack on top of the stem.What do you do with the really long cable from the light?
I used to have my battery on the top tube but now i zip tied the cable all the way along so the battery sits in the pannier but it will be a bit of a pita to change bikes.
Li ion rechargeables don't have a memory effect. You do need to keep it topped up, and avoid discharging them completely. Protected cells have a PCB built in that prevents over discharge. Cost more, but won't set fire to your house for you.I've skim read through most of this.
Am I right in thinking that if I didn't keep using the battery (or regular charging) it would die on me?
I'm after something for a bit of night time mountain biking, so it won't be used every day, blimey, it might not even get used once a month and I don't want to have to replace the battery pack every time I go for a night ride
I took delivery of my XML U2 version the other day, a Solarstorm X2. Dinky, neat, crap battery pack. I have just received a Fandyfire waterproof battery box from Ollyboyd on eBay for 13 quid, and some decent quality 18650 Xtar batteries for another 25. The batteries goe straight int the case, and can be charged using the plug in adapter that came with the lamp. Make sure you get protected 18650s, and make sure they are proper Panasonic, Xtar, Efest, Sanyo or Samsung. Don't get anything with "fire" in the name, they are probably recycled laptop cels from China and have a habit of catching fire. I'll put some pics on when I'm done charging the light. You can get light unit only for less than fifteen quid. Better light pattern than XML T6, and contains two U2 emitters. Four modes, dim, ooh! and bugger me, plus a strobe mode.