Night Train said:
In electrical terms IIRC the electrons go from the ground to the cloud.
Also, on the ground there can be a voltage differential from the strike point radiating outwards so animals like cattle standing nearby will get a voltage difference between their front a rear legs that can kill them.
My dad witnessed that happen once! He saw a farmer standing in the middle of a herd of cows when a bolt of lightning hit the ground nearby - the cows all dropped down dead, but the farmer was okay, except for worrying about the cows of course...

Another time, when my dad was younger, some teenagers were caught out in a thunderstorm in the Abbey Fields in Kenilworth. They took shelter under a tree, you know, exactly what we are told
not ro do... Lightning hit the tree and vapourised its sap, causing it to explode. At least one of the kids was killed by tree shrapnel. Take a look at what lightning did to
this tree and you'll see how that could happen
