I picked up a pump to replace my Aldi one on which the dual head failed which meant I couldn't inflate tubes with Schrader valves. As
@stephec says above, you wouldn't want to go much more than 6 bar, but as I only pump up to about 80lbs, whatever that is in bar, the pump is OK for my hybrid's 700 x 28 tyres. I must admit, I would love a Joe Blow or similar but funds wont allow it.
I also bought a light set. I bought one of their lamps a couple of years ago and it was my only light for my first Dunwich Dynamo. It was OK, and for what it is and I was actually very pleased with it. The lamp I bought today appears to be slightly brighter, but it seems a more concentrated beam with a definate cut off at the top. It will be interesting to see what it is like in the dark.