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Senior Member
Glasgow Brr ..
Not having ridden a road bike for 20 years I was on a budget to see if I would get into it.
I bought a 2nd hand Giant SCR 2.0 and then needed to get some cheap gear
So first Lidle cycling sale i queued (yes :biggrin:) outside and bought SPD shoes £16.99, a rain jacket £9.99, top £5.99 and a floor pump at £4.99

I was pleased with all the items I have bought real cheap crap previously (T shirts etc from superstores) and this cycling gear is not bad at all. And then you look at the prices for equivalent 'proper' branded gear and its an easy choice
Plus all the clothing items came in the same colour so i am now nicely co- ordinated! Much more so than in my normal clothes.


New Member
I went to Lidl for the first time recently to get these bits:
Troussers- running
Troussers- cycling
Top- Cycling
Repair kit

out of all those items the only product i really didnt like is the cycling troussers but its my own fault for buying something 98% polyester to cycle in all day.

Whilst my £50 cycle shirt is of a much higher quality than my £7 one, for the saving i make im happy with lidl/audi products


back and brave
alecstilleyedye said:
the winter shoes don't look too bad actually.

They don't do they? Shame it's Aldi Belgium and not Aldi France otherwise I'd be down there on the 12th!


New Member
blazed said:
I doubt those power tools will last long. Its not just about the prduct anyway but the people inside those places, generally second class citizens.

I think blazed is just an idiot out to wind people up. I personally would just try to ignore such ignorant comments. He's obviously got a status problem and needs to make himself feel better. Poor thing. He should be pitied.


New Member
Sale, Cheshire
blazed said:
I doubt those power tools will last long. Its not just about the prduct anyway but the people inside those places, generally second class citizens.

I did say for the average DIY'er
"Second class citizens"????? Oooo I hang awake at night dreaming of being a second class citizen!!!!!!

Rgds Cking
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