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Crackle said:
Undoubtedly this is true but it doesn't make him the best person to carry the fight forward, in fact it risks further damage to the anti-doping campaign.
I think you're right and I've said before that Walsh has picked on the wrong target when he keeps on going after Team LA. It's just too big for one or two terriers to take down. I think Kimmage and Walsh would do better to investigate other teams, other riders and dig into the dodgy practices that still go on. I think that would have a greater impact on the culture within the sport (and the way it's covered) and that might ultimately bring Team LA to book. Focusing on Team LA makes them easy to dismiss as cranks with a personal grudge. I don't think that, but it's perception in the wider world that counts...
ivancarlos said:
It saddens me but I don't think LA does himself any favours in the clip. To me what he says is nothing more than deflection.
Just read some of the exchanges on Cycling News. What an peanut. And no, I don't mean Kimmage. ;)
Chuffy said:
I think you're right and I've said before that Walsh has picked on the wrong target when he keeps on going after Team LA. It's just too big for one or two terriers to take down. I think Kimmage and Walsh would do better to investigate other teams, other riders and dig into the dodgy practices that still go on. I think that would have a greater impact on the culture within the sport (and the way it's covered) and that might ultimately bring Team LA to book. Focusing on Team LA makes them easy to dismiss as cranks with a personal grudge. I don't think that, but it's perception in the wider world that counts...

I'd agree with that, with the proviso that both Walsh and Kimmage are fighting their own demons too much. They may both ultimately be proved right but it wil be another source that finally makes the breakthrough.


Chuffy said:
It's just too big for one or two terriers to take down...

Okay, what if I were to add my considerable weight to the fight? ;)

<Team Lance> Blackberry alert: that mardy twat is at it again <Team Lance>


Über Member
Not a very subtle approach by Kimmage but then again he does not really do subtle, when he went after Millar he went for him like a dog with a bone.
Whilst L'Americano's response is slick its not hard to pick up on the attempt to totally discredit Kimmage as a journo, he may well have hit that nerve and may have some tough times ahead in getting access to other riders.
I score it as a draw L'Americano does not come out looking good.

Chuffy Noodley worth watching the vid just to gauge the rattling of L'Americano.


Über Member
Bollo said:
Came upon this interview on velonews today.

Kimmage vs Armstrong - what could go wrong? Find a sofa to hide behind while you watch it and apologies if it's already been put up.


I'm no Armstrong fan, as regular readers will know. His defence in that clip is shaky bordering on incompetent.

I used to, (and I'm sure I've said it here a few times) think Kimmage was an arse.

My opinion now is that he has now moved forward at last.

Kimmage isn't an arse. He's a c%*t.

There we are.

As you were boys.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
maurice said:
I'm not sure of the whole importance of his Landis viewpoint. I respect Lance more for not putting the boot into an friend/ex-colleague while he's down, and not doing it just to satisfy the press. He's said Landis made a mistake, I think it's enough.

What Lance said was that Landis had served his ban and should be allowed back to ride. I agree - and Landis didn't have a Pro-Tour team break it's own promises the way Liquigas had to to snap up Basso.

What Lance then went on to say was along the lines of "not understanding" why some fans would cheer Millar and not Landis and Basso, effectively saying the situations are equivalent, and the fans are hypocrites. In that HE IS WRONG. (Imo, but a strongly held o in this case).

Kimmage's likening of Armstrong's return to a cancer coming out of remission is out of order. But his question at the PC was a valid one, and god help us, no other bugger is asking it, even now. No one's asking why Armstrong's "imperative" testing regime only managed to get one sample out of him (according to Catlin). No one was asking where the pre-competition baseline results were prior to the TDU.


I liked Kimmage's book and hoped he could move on. But he has been stuck for years. He persists with the same line, cannot appreciate how his dogged unswerving 'rightness' does nothing to forward the anti-doping cause and does not appreciate that influencing people involves considerably more than jumping up and down. It requires finesse; something he does not possess.

However, I do not 'get' the "he's bitter cos he did not have the talent" line - he did have talent. Quite a lot of it. I can see why he was bitter, but being bitter for such a long time is not healthy.
Noodley said:
I liked Kimmage's book and hoped he could move on. But he has been stuck for years. He persists with the same line, cannot appreciate how his dogged unswerving 'rightness' does nothing to forward the anti-doping cause and does not appreciate that influencing people involves considerably more than jumping up and down. It requires finesse; something he does not possess.

However, I do not 'get' the "he's bitter cos he did not have the talent" line - he did have talent. Quite a lot of it. I can see why he was bitter, but being bitter for such a long time is not healthy.
You could compare Kimmage's obsession with Team LA's attitude to tackling cancer. Two sides of the same coin imho. It's something that dominates their lives and that they can't ever get away from.


Über Member
Noodley said:
I liked Kimmage's book and hoped he could move on. But he has been stuck for years. He persists with the same line, cannot appreciate how his dogged unswerving 'rightness' does nothing to forward the anti-doping cause and does not appreciate that influencing people involves considerably more than jumping up and down. It requires finesse; something he does not possess.

However, I do not 'get' the "he's bitter cos he did not have the talent" line - he did have talent. Quite a lot of it. I can see why he was bitter, but being bitter for such a long time is not healthy.

It's all he has to make him wealthy.


Über Member
Chuffy said:
You could compare Kimmage's obsession with Team LA's attitude to tackling cancer. Two sides of the same coin imho. It's something that dominates their lives and that they can't ever get away from.

I'm not a Lance fan (feck me, the 'kin cock'll crow soon) but he isn't a kimmage.


Dave5N said:
It's all he has to make him wealthy.

I reckon if he'd been a bit smarter about how he approached it he would be a great deal more wealthy and more respected than he is.


Well-Known Member
John the Monkey said:
What Lance then went on to say was along the lines of "not understanding" why some fans would cheer Millar and not Landis and Basso, effectively saying the situations are equivalent, and the fans are hypocrites. In that HE IS WRONG. (Imo, but a strongly held o in this case).

Just did some reading up on Millar, seems he appealed to have his ban reduced to only 12 months.


With that kind of attitude it sounds like he would have done a Landis-style full denial if he had any chance of getting away with it to me. (and took a little encouragement to fully admit it in the first place.)

Damage limitation me-thinks, that different to Landis?
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