Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
- Location
- Dewsbury, West Yorkshire
I'm still ditheringmy six year old's cancer relapsed a week after getting back from the Wild Atlantic Way Audax in June this year and life was pretty tough in the early stages
plus not much time on the bike obviously , He had a stem cell transplant two days before Christmas and everything is going very well but I know how quickly these things can go nipples up and I could end up not being able to get enough miles in the legs . I will have to have a discussion with my wife and then make a decision fortunately as an Audax UK member for the last three years I have till the 19th of January to make up my mind and their is always the possibility of volunteering if I decide not to ride .
Hope there's no relapse and he's OK. I've been dithering as my 12yo could ride the European Junior Tour in Assen which is the same week - this evening he came up and said "you've wanted to ride this. I'll do Assen next year, even if you're not able to ride LEL"

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