Evans checked the frame to see if it is true? If not or they don't possess the expertise or skill take it along to
Condor who can do this. Without these checks being made you are frankly wasting your time. Also have the frame checked for cracks. Things like bar tape are incidental really. I wouldn't attempt to play Mr Niceguy thinking you are doing the other side a favour just claim for what ever it takes to put you back into the postion you were before this idiot reversed into you. That is what the law states you are entitled to. What are the police doing about this given they witnessed the incident? I would thought they would prosecute the idiot driver. Were you injured? If the driver or their insurance company start being difficult then perhaps the pain in your shoulder, back and neck plus panic attacks could become more serious

You need to write to the insurer with a statement of claim stating that their insured was at fault and the reasons why. Submit an estimate for the cost of the repairs to your bike or if this is not practical or is uneconomic the cost for a replacement bike. Give them a resonable time scale to reply and settle the matter say 14 or 21 days. Should they fail to do so then you will initiate proceedings to recover your losses which will mean they incur further cost. I would also include the fact that the driving of their insured may be subject to a prosecution as it was witnessed by two police officers. If the police do prosecute and he is convicted of driving without due care and consideration then you are on to a dead cert winner. But this takes time. In this case you could also claim for loss of use and any other costs you incurred because you couldn't use your bike because you weren't able to get it repaired due to the cost of repairs or cost of a replacement.
If this fails then get in touch with a cycling solicitor but because you are not injured and your claim is of quite a low value, they might not take it on as they cannot recover costs under the civil procedure rules in the small claims court where it will be heard as your claim will likely be under £5000 for damage or loss to property and less than £1000 for injury.
Good luck.