leg strength

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Rural Quebec
You really should understand terms with a specific meaning, before bandying them about, as you just end up tying yourself in knots, and getting shot down in flames. Strength is a specific term whose meaning cannot be altered to suit your perception of reality. As is power, or endurance, or for that matter distance and speed.

Far too many threads like this get tangled up because people do not fully understand the expressions they use.

Aha! That's where I have been going wrong all these years. No Astrand Cycle Test.

Then I find it imperative that you start a new thread specifically addressing my perception of reality, especially as my motivation was to help the OP achieve his goal rather than prove my erudition which seems to be yours. Perhaps I misunderstand the workings of the body; perhaps the word 'body' does not explain correctly what it is I misunderstand but to state, as you do, that this is due to a deliberate manipulation of meaning on my part due to my peculiar perception of reality deserves a challenge.


Then I find it imperative that you start a new thread specifically addressing my perception of reality, especially as my motivation was to help the OP achieve his goal rather than prove my erudition which seems to be yours. Perhaps I misunderstand the workings of the body; perhaps the word 'body' does not explain correctly what it is I misunderstand but to state, as you do, that this is due to a deliberate manipulation of meaning on my part due to my peculiar perception of reality deserves a challenge.

I don't think it's deliberate, I just think you need to understand the meaning before you misuse the word.

Little bit of humility can go a long way, but if you prefer to just strut around arrogantly, trying to maintain that your post was in some way helpful to the OP despite being fundamentally wrong, then that is your prerogative.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
This will be my last entry on this thread and I am reluctant to post this because it is self evident that the aerobic training needed to enable a rider to perform a 100 mile ride comfortably will also show results elsewhere unless there is a way to increase heart and lung capability without using your arms and legs and if so what use will it be.
What results specifically and where?

The hearts main change is stroke volume (the amount of blood per beat) therefore aerobic exercise generally results in lower heart rates, inc resting.

The components of "lung capability" can't change significantly. Although those who exercise do become more proficient at gas exchange (loading/transport/utilization of oxygen and removal of co2)


Wow this thread is tedious.

Spock - don't go to the gym or take up running. Do at least two rides a week. One should be as long as possible and one should be fast.
You can ride more than this if you have the time


God Almighty
I like to wear ankle weights, and every night before I go to sleep in bed do bicycle kicks in the air whilst remaining on your back like a beetle. About 2 hours should suffice


Rural Quebec
I don't think it's deliberate, I just think you need to understand the meaning before you misuse the word.

Little bit of humility can go a long way, but if you prefer to just strut around arrogantly, trying to maintain that your post was in some way helpful to the OP despite being fundamentally wrong, then that is your prerogative.
Now you add arrogance to your ad hominem argument without adding one jot of information Spock or I, might find useful.
Would you like to enlighten me on the information you in your 'humility' consider I am lacking because I have never claimed any authority on this issue and am willing to learn.
I would also like an explanation of what "You will not require leg strength" means, although I understand and have stated that leg strength would not be a major concern in an endurance event I don't see how it is possible to ride 100 miles with none at all. What I am calling strength is the ability to exert force on physical objects (ie bicycle pedals) using muscles.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
I would also like an explanation of what "You will not require leg strength" means,
The original question was.
best wat to get the legs to be able to power a bike for 100 mile ,,gym ,,more miles etc running ??
It's easy. Strength is defined as "the maximal force generating ability of a muscle or group of muscles." Like I said also in the post you chose to dissect. Cycling requires the sub-maximal forces involved to be applied thousands of times,repeatedly and sustainably.

ie: a 5hr ride @90RPM = 27000 revolutions at a minute % of your 1RM How could you train that in a weights gym?

though I understand and have stated that leg strength would not be a major concern in an endurance event I don't see how it is possible to ride 100 miles with none at all.
I never said anything of the sort.

But what you said was
without killing yourself will require leg strength but a whole lot more, I would even go so far as to say that leg strength will be a by product of the training regime.
So you don't understand or just can't make up your mind. Does the OP need to go back to a gym or should he concentrate on riding 100miles? Which activity is the best use of training time?

What I am calling strength is the ability to exert force on physical objects (ie bicycle pedals) using muscles.
"Strength is the maximal force generating ability of a muscle or group of muscles."

(~ 400 W) at 90 revs/min up a long alpine pass, the force requirements assuming 170-mm cranks is 249 Newtons (~ 25 kg between each leg).

You can support your own bodyweight right?


T.M.H.N.E.T has covered it.

Even flat out sprints of 20 second duration at 1500 W will not need greater leg strength than your average sedentary adult already posseses.

As to helping the OP - number of people have already said - more miles.


Legendary Member
The Cronk
This topic has been raised many times in this Section. :rolleyes:

Each time thus far, it has got out of hand. :sad:

I would recommend that the OP uses the Search facility, reads the other threads, makes up his own mind and, if he still has some questions, asks a specific question.

Please would all the 'experts' refrain from arguing their particular understanding/meaning of terminology in a manner that causes friction. :thumbsup:

Thank you.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
This topic has been raised many times in this Section. :rolleyes:

Each time thus far, it has got out of hand. :sad:

I would recommend that the OP uses the Search facility, reads the other threads, makes up his own mind and, if he still has some questions, asks a specific question.

Please would all the 'experts' refrain from arguing their particular understanding/meaning of terminology in a manner that causes friction. :thumbsup:

Thank you.
The problem is lack of understanding and use of anecdote. That goes for the majority of these threads.

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