Left-Handers - more inhibited.

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back and brave
How does one ride a bike right handed?

meenaghman said:
I thought the real test of whether one is left or right handed as a male is whether you "hang the right way" or not

Yep, figured I was really a leftie :sad:


New Member
yello said:
How does one ride a bike right handed?

Oh no! Even my smiley was not enough to indicate that I was having a laugh! I always knew people would take me the wrong way!! :sad:

Yello, are you having a bad day? :biggrin:

Although on a more serious note, does the hand that you use have any bearing on what foot you use to push of on the bike? I am left handed and use my left foot to push off on the pedal first. Do right handers use their right foot predominantly or is it just a feel/comfort thing?


back and brave
Andy said:
Oh no! Even my smiley was not enough to indicate that I was having a laugh! I always knew people would take me the wrong way!! :sad:

Yello, are you having a bad day? :biggrin:

Maybe I should have put one of them wink smiley things too!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Andy said:
Although on a more serious note, does the hand that you use have any bearing on what foot you use to push of on the bike? I am left handed and use my left foot to push off on the pedal first. Do right handers use their right foot predominantly or is it just a feel/comfort thing?

I'm a leftie, and push off with my right foot on the pedal and my left on the ground. But that is almost entirely to do with the kerb being on the left, and me having short legs and needing to wither have a foot on the kerb, or come off the saddle. I think kerb-side might be more influential than rider-sidedness...


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Arch said:
I'm a leftie, and push off with my right foot on the pedal and my left on the ground. But that is almost entirely to do with the kerb being on the left, and me having short legs and needing to wither have a foot on the kerb, or come off the saddle. I think kerb-side might be more influential than rider-sidedness...
I'm right handed but also use my right foot to push off, doesn't matter to me what's around me, I'd never (okay, very rarely) push off with my left foot.

No idea about how my testicles hang though... bit difficult to check here at my desk.. :sad:


NE Hertfordshire
I'm right handed but use my left foot to push off, always - well, assuming push off means the foot you first pedal with, the one you don't have on the floor! I've been riding since May, I have tried to push off with my right foot just the once, and it was all wrong and wobbly and close to falling over.

So does that make me right-handed but left-footed?

No ideas about eyes, I'm guessing I'm left eye dominant as my right eye can only see about 8 inches in focus (and I didn't need specs because my left eye compensated fine, up until I was about 16)

I don't have testicles, ovaries aren't really conveniently situated for checking which one is higher/lower...
Sh4rkyBloke said:
I'm right handed but also use my right foot to push off, doesn't matter to me what's around me, I'd never (okay, very rarely) push off with my left foot.

No idea about how my testicles hang though... bit difficult to check here at my desk.. :sad:

Can't you just peep under your turn ups Sharky?:biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Maizie said:
No ideas about eyes, I'm guessing I'm left eye dominant as my right eye can only see about 8 inches in focus (and I didn't need specs because my left eye compensated fine, up until I was about 16)

The way to find out is to look into the distance with both eyes, and point a finger at something. Then close one eye, then the other (opening the first one!). With one eye, your finger will still be pointing at the thing, with one it'll 'jump' away from it. The dominant eye is the one where it stays. Mine is mostly left, although sometimes it switches over. But then I'm pretty ambidextrous with my hands...


back and brave
User1314 said:
This argument is then that this increases co-ordination and therefore sporting ability. Bryan Robson, for example, was left-eyed and right handed.

That's the closest together I've ever seen the name 'Bryan Robson' and the phrase 'sporting ability'! :sad:


No wonder I'm so mixed up!!!!!!!

If I'm throwing something (dart, stone in the water, frisbee, snowball etc..) I'm left handed

If I'm playing squash, tennis or snooker I'm right handed

I eat right handed (ie fork in left and knife in right)

I'm left footed at football

I went to boxing training in my youth and I'm a southpaw

l play golf right handed. Although I went for a golf lesson last year as someone bought me 4 lessons for a birthday present.
We walked out to the practise area and the local pro asked me to just hit some balls while he watched. After 10 mins he says "are you left handed"
I say not really and tell him the above

He then asked me to just swing the club as if it was a left handed one and then said he thinks I'm naturally a left had golfer and have just adapted to play right handed as those are the clubs I was bought as a kid.

Said the next lesson he was going to bring a left handed club out to let me have a shot.

Freaked me out a bit and have not been back for 2nd lesson yet


NE Hertfordshire
Thanks Arch!

Turns out I'm right-eyed, despite my brain blocking the signal from that eye for the first 16 years of my life...

Right-eyed, Right-handed, Left-footed-for-cycling...


meenaghman said:
I thought the real test of whether one is left or right handed as a male is whether you "hang the right way" or not. ie in LH men the Right hand testicle is lower while in RH men the Left is lower.

Might check that out later :rolleyes:

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