Leeds to Scarborough Saturday September 24: The Yorkshire Adventure

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There is plenty of time for the forecast to worsen and then improve again! The combination of less than perfect forecasting and the UK's rapidly changeable weather systems means that long range forecasts are pretty iffy!

Absolutely. Worse case scenario is a viciously strong easterly headwind but the odds are thankfully against that!


@nickyboy I might have a friend joining us - he's just seeing if he can sort things for the weekend. :okay:

PS weather forecast sill looks decent :thumbsup:


Norven Mankey
@nickyboy I might have a friend joining us - he's just seeing if he can sort things for the weekend. :okay:

PS weather forecast sill looks decent :thumbsup:

I'm liking the sound of "moderate breeze, SSW". Other than the first couple of miles and the stretch before Malton, it sounds like an 80 mile freewheel to Scarborough*

* I may be slightly exaggerating and this in no way implies a contractual commitment on my part


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'm liking the sound of "moderate breeze, SSW". Other than the first couple of miles and the stretch before Malton, it sounds like an 80 mile freewheel to Scarborough*

* I may be slightly exaggerating and this in no way implies a contractual commitment on my part
The BBC were suggesting a 21 mph tailwind this morning! I like a bit of help, but I would actually like to get SOME exercise on the ride. I will have to make sure that my brakes are dragging ... :whistle:


Norven Mankey
OK...it's T-3 so a final ping to those who haven't said one way or another. Ride Roolz are that if you don't confirm you don't just roll up on the day.

@Uncle Phil
@Steve H

I am aware that a couple of potential participants are still undecided in addition and that's fine as they've let me know and they will confirm one way or another before the ride

A few housekeeping matters......

It looks like I will be busy on Friday night so I will probably not make the carb loading in Manchester. Please feel free to go ahead without me. If I can make it I will

I have a bit of a problem with getting out of Leeds on Saturday morning. I had a commitment from a local to guide us through the tricky first few km but that individual hasn't been on CC for about a month and isn't replying to PMs. I'm not 100% on this little stretch so I will have to get an earlier train Saturday morning to ride these kms again before we all set off together. So I won't be on the train I expected to be on and may not be having brekkie at that station

Can @doughnut let us know if Mrs D is still kindly offering to take bags and if so what the arrangements are?

Can @si_c run the glympse tracking again as it worked so well on the Llandudno ride? We are picking folk up at various points on the ride so this would be of great help plus any posting on this thread to show progress would be good. I'm invariably too busy being a mother hen on the day to do it myself

.......and finally.....the weather forecast seems to be quite unchanging these past few days so I suggest folk plan on the basis of current forecast for Saturday. It is dry (there may be rain overnight in Scarborough), quite mild with a high of about 19. It will be breezy with a cross wind the first half (we go W and the wind is S) then will become more of a tailwind in the afternoon. We'll keep an eye on changes to the forecast but it seems pretty good atm
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Can @si_c run the glympse tracking again as it worked so well on the Llandudno ride? We are picking folk up at various points on the ride so this would be of great help plus any posting on this thread to show progress would be good. I'm invariably too busy being a mother hen on the day to do it myself

Should be no problem, although I'll likely only run it as far as Malton as it can use quite a bit of battery, especially if there are signal blackspots, see how it goes.


Should be fine as the last waif or stray we pick up is in Malton anyway

Can you do the idiot's guide please?

Sure, for those that haven't used it before, Glympse (www.glympse.com) allows you to track individuals or groups using the app on their phones. You can either install the app on your phone or use the website to see where they are, providing they have shared their location with you.

For groups, you can create a tag, and anyone can share their location with the tag, I've just created one "scarborough2016", which I will use on the day. Anyone else who wants to use glympse to share their location is welcome to use the same tag, and everyone will be able to see where they are too. On the day the website link will be https://www.glympse.com/!scarborough2016 so you can track through the website.

Any questions just give me a shout.


There's also Strava Beacon but I think this is more limited than glympse and not sure whether it uses less battery? I guess any app using GPS will drain the battery on a longer ride!


There's also Strava Beacon but I think this is more limited than glympse and not sure whether it uses less battery? I guess any app using GPS will drain the battery on a longer ride!

I think it works on broadly the same principle, but as far as I understand it requires a premium account, and is a little less flexible. Glympse is free, and can show the locations of everyone who has joined the group in the same place, which is useful if the ride breaks up into groups.

Glympse also has a low power mode that does less frequent updates, and only when people are looking at where you are, which helps to conserve power a little.


I think it works on broadly the same principle, but as far as I understand it requires a premium account, and is a little less flexible. Glympse is free, and can show the locations of everyone who has joined the group in the same place, which is useful if the ride breaks up into groups.

Glympse also has a low power mode that does less frequent updates, and only when people are looking at where you are, which helps to conserve power a little.

Sounds good - glympse it is :thumbsup:


Random Resident
I used Glimpse for the first time last weekend and very impressed with it, even in the hills where there is usually very limited signal it seemed to still work well.


Can @doughnut let us know if Mrs D is still kindly offering to take bags and if so what the arrangements are?
Sorry, I've left it all a bit late to get myself organised. Mrs D is good to take bags from Leeds to Scarborough - I need to look at the map tonight to sort out a meeting place. If I remember right, there were some messages upthread where anyone coming on the train will need to keep their ticket in order to get back through the station to the setting off point after giving Mrs D their bags. I'm wondering how I'm going to get through, since I will be on the wrong side of the station and not have a ticket. :headshake: Hopefully I will figure something out tonight.
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