Cycling in Scotland
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- Auld Reekie
D4VOW said:Why does every thread involving helmets always turn into the same for/against helmet usage nonsense. If someone wants to wear a helmet let them, if not then leave them to it
Personally I don't wear a helmet on the road but do like the look of the Catlike Kompact Pro and own one for when I'm involved in anything that requires the usage of a helmet.
Mainly because:
a) I don't like the insidious peer pressure which make people feel they have to wear one when it is really not necessary

c) I am not a shareholder of Bell Sports Inc. (if I had even a small slice of their profits I would be rich, it cost about £1.50 to manufacture and distribute each helmet to the retailer, who then sells it for between £30 - £100, now where does all that money go? Not into cycle safety that is for sure).
d) I don't like to see people being ripped off....
e) I enjoy a good argument