Yeah, that would be very helpful for me right now!
The advice seems to be lean slightly forward, but there is the finest of lines between 'leaning forward' and 'oooh, not that far' I have found that place twice so far, but still no major damage so all good.
I need to crack it as I have my eye on slacklining next..... not both together though!
Someone told me once that if it took you a week to learn to ride (a 2 wheel bike) then it will take you a week to learn to ride a Uni, and respectively if it took you a whole Summer. I think their point was that for those that stick at it, say 1hr a day practice then you'll manage it within a week, just find a suitably height wall to guide yourself along on.
It reminds me of doing a trick on my old BMX, a trick that lasts say 15 seconds only in the case of Uni riding the entire ride is a trick.
it'll do wonders for your track standing
Also got a slack line here a couple of years back, great fun and super good for building muscle strength around your knees