Halfmanhalfbike said:
Me too.

Well deserved win for Thomas
Cathryn said:
You can't help but be delighted for Voeckler, he was just beaming afterwards! SO lovely to see. This is shaping up to be a great tour!!
Tomorrow's stage ends up Montjuic in Barcelona. Richard and I slogged up this hill last month on hire bikes. It was tough!!
Go Thomas!
I can remember afternoon after afternoon five years ago when I sagged off work to sit on the sofa, yelling 'Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!' as though, a thousand miles away in France, he could hear me and be encouraged.
I LOVE breakaway riders - they are the people who set races alight. I LOVE riders who will not admit they're beaten, who will not acknowledge it's hopeless, who will not bow down before the might of the big sprint teams. And of them all, although big Jens Voigt is the strongest and wiliest, Thomas is the bravest and the most foolish: the romantic, the man who rides for passion and for sentiment and for shining belief.
Go Thomas!
In the epic poem that is cycle racing, yours is by no means the least glorious stanza!
(and to think I included him in my fantasy team out of sentiment!)