LBS repair times. Am I being let down.

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Well, I don't really want to "resign" from them. I chose them as they looked like and sounded the best of what was on offer to me as far as a walk-in shop LBS. There is a guy who does collect and return service, and I had planned to try him out once the warranty on the bike was up...


Here for rides.
one of the advantages of buying a bike from an LBS miles and miles and miles away from where I live is that when anything went wrong (twice) they said "Don't worry we will send you the part today, get your local LBS to fit it, or if you like get your LBS to supply and fit it, pay the bill send it to us and we will refund it" Superb especially as I'd rather fit the part myself and be sure it is done right and learn new skills along the way, though I draw the line at headsets and BB's for now


Lover of things that come in 3's
bonj said:
I'm afraid that what with the multitude of people who offload their bike on to the LBS when it has minor problems with the gears, LBSs will get rather busy - so I'd say yes it is par for the course.
I'd have probably just ordered a new identical shifter and posted the old one off with the receipt for it asking for a refund.

Brilliant Bonj, you are truly priceless

Ben M

Senior Member
you forgot the n+1 rule didn't you?

If you hadn't, you'd be happily rolling around on another bike, not worrying about what tom-foolery your gear shifters are undergoing.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Ben M said:
you forgot the n+1 rule didn't you?

If you hadn't, you'd be happily rolling around on another bike, not worrying about what tom-foolery your gear shifters are undergoing.

That doesnt work. When my main bike goes in, im sat at home wanting it back, even though i have other bikes to ride. I miss it too much, i hate it not being there for me to ride.
What these slack twunts don't appreciate is that it costs six times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. No shop could survive on bike sales alone. In effect, bike shops sell bikes simply to generate sales of parts, accessories and labour. A warranty problem such as this is actually a perfect opportunity for the LBS to develop it's relationship with the customer by demonstrating it's eagerness to resolve the issue. But no. Because they're dinosaurs. First of all there's no need to send the component off to Madison. FFS if they trust the bike shop enough to sell their bikes they should have enough confidence in their technical ability to trust their judgement when it comes to making a warranty call.

I suspect that the bike shop is simply being slack. Forget about 'building a relationship' with them, they've blown it. Ask to speak to the organ grinder, read them the effing riot act, mention 'Sale of Goods Act', that you'll be writing to the warranty dept. at Madison complaining about their poor service and that if your bike isn't fixed within x days that you'll be expecting a full refund. This is the only language these feckers understand.

Believe me I've worked for enough of them.


back and brave
Wow. If mickle says it then believe it! Ignore what I said, I'm not one for a fight and prefer the easy life!


Bike Fluffer
From experience of my folk's business I'd have to agree with Mickle. Your contract is with the LBS, not their suppliers. They should really get you back on the road then sort out the issue with the shifter with their supplier. Might be worth going down and sticking a rocket up their arses to get you riding again.

I also agree that it's a great demonstration that you need another bike!


Yep, exactly. Compose a rant involving legal terms like sales of goods act etc. then go in there an execute it. Rehearse if necessary.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
There were some supply problems with Shimano when my son was after some Soras but that was a couple of months ago.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Go down and let them know you are really pi$$ed off now and suggest they nick one off another bike fit it to yours then fit your warranty replacement bit to the other bike when it arrives.


Got my bike back today. Seems Madison never received my faulty shifter and the Post Office weren't interested until 28 days had elapsed. The LBS took a shifter off another bike and fitted it to mine. Let's hope this one lasts a bit longer.

Shan't be taking the bike back there again, ever....


Senior hunter
the front shifter on my bike broke and would no longer allow the chain to stay on the big ring

With all due respect and not suggesting you are to blame, but LBSs see broken derailleurs every day and 90% of the time it's caused by the user.

There is a process to warrantee and every shop will handle it differently. Hopefully, your shop will find time to do it expeditiously.

If I could judge with little doubt the problem to be a part failure, then I'd likely just swap it out from stock and deal with the rep for replacement later. If it was obvious the thing had been crashed or otherwise misused, most times I'd be upfront and tell the customer, sorry warrantee won't cover this, rather than passing it off to the manufacturer to rule on.

However, if a customer gets stroppy in such a situation, then I'll fall back on the manufacturer's arbitration.
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