I know I'm going to regret dignifying Simoncc's post by responding, but nevetheless...........
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. True, the storylines have nothing to do with the trilogy, but given the sheer entertainment provided, I don't give a chuff. Why do you consider the "supposedly discerning TV viewer" as dumbed down? (unless of course you are referring to yourself!). The trailers for the series never stated it was a factual dramatisation of the book, and given it was to be transmitted on a Sunday evening, the implication was that entertainment was its main object. Not all of us want a diet of education each and every time we switch on the electric fishtank, and certainly when I do, I'll reach for the original (in this case the book) every time. There is little enough on the box these days worth praising, but when there is, then due credit is proper.