XP is only compatible with 2 gb of ram so there is not point. but what you could do is turn the hard drive into 2 partitions, then you can start up with XP or Vista
Err, no it isn't. 32-bit XP will support 4GB (the maximum addressable), less the devices that overlap this memory space - so typically 3.2-3.5GB.
64-bit XP will support varying amounts of memory depending on version (up to 24GB IIRC).
Some versions of XP are limited to 1GB as they were sold with a restricted licence for a netbook.
If you replace Vista with XP it will still be quicker, even with a relatively modern specification like yours. I know I've done the "downgrade" several times.
The best way to make your computer faster for free, other than always keeping thing clean and defreagged is to use a RAMDISK. I use this free one here:
Put your browser cache and temporary files on here and you'll make a humble netbook as quick as a high-end desktop (at least for t'internet), this is especially true for notebooks as the hard drives you'd otherwise use tend to be slower.