Lance Armstrong?

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justAl said:
Why is professional cycling allowing LA to bulldoze his way in? His latest rant is about not ever being caught doping along with 25 riders who helped him. How many of those 25 have since failed a test or have suspicions against them? The racing calender is what it says, RACING, not a sportive to raise money for charity. And as for Astana, I thought they wanted to be taken seriously and shed their past skin. "A new age for cyling" I think not

Yes I read that with a twinkling of amazement. I think I'd just keep schtum about half my former teamates being caught up in doing scandals.


back and brave
kennykool said:
Heard it all before!!!!

Likewise. There are blinkered views everywhere... and Chuffy's isn't one of them!

I am unnerved by Armstrong's desire to take his cancer message to the public via cycling events. I can understand his passion and don't doubt his motivation (well, maybe a bit!) but he has no remit to make it the TdF 'Ride for Cancer Research', no matter how noble the cause.
yello said:
Likewise. There are blinkered views everywhere... and Chuffy's isn't one of them!
I think the phrase you want is 'rosy-tinted'. And the likes of me, Noodley, Girofan etc etc don't have the enviable ability of the fan-boys to filter out all of the reasons why LA is not such a decent, upright sporting icon...


Well-Known Member
Chuffy said:
I think the phrase you want is 'rosy-tinted'. And the likes of me, Noodley, Girofan etc etc don't have the enviable ability of the fan-boys to filter out all of the reasons why LA is not such a decent, upright sporting icon...

I honestly can't see why there is such a huge amount of cycling fans who do not like LA!

Maybe we "fan-boys" do see LA through rose tinted glasses - who cares. Better that than the "sceptical Specs" that you seem to wear! Filling the forums with doom and gloom about who will be caught doping next and how bad everyone is!!!!

Get over it and move on. Lance is coming back and there is nothing you can do to stop it!!!!


New Member
kennykool said:
I honestly can't see why there is such a huge amount of cycling fans who do not like LA!

Maybe we "fan-boys" do see LA through rose tinted glasses - who cares. Better that than the "sceptical Specs" that you seem to wear! Filling the forums with doom and gloom about who will be caught doping next and how bad everyone is!!!!

Get over it and move on. Lance is coming back and there is nothing you can do to stop it!!!!

I sit somewhere in between you two, and it's a good job too - stop you nipping each other at storytime. :headshake:

I don't think it will bring le tour and / or pro cycling to its knees or set back the fight against doping.

But I'm not a fan of his any more and actually on hearing the Vino news, it's signalled the opening of a few issues that I thought had been laid to rest.


kennykool said:
Get over it and move on. Lance is coming back and there is nothing you can do to stop it!!!!

No, but I can at least make you see sense :biggrin:;) How long do I have? :rofl:


Über Member
kennykool said:
Get over it and move on. Lance is coming back and there is nothing you can do to stop it!!!!

Maybe not.

However he is not on the start line yet and Vino could well be a fly in the ointment.


Well-Known Member
Chuffy said:
Yeah, quite right. We should do as Lance tells us, believe these cyclists and stop worrying our pretty little heads about doping.

Thats more like it Chuffy ;):biggrin::biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Noodley said:
No, but I can at least make you see sense :smile:;) How long do I have? ;)

All the time in the world Noodley...maybe you can try and get me to see sense next time we are riding next to each other :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Thats if I don't get a flat again!!!!:biggrin:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
kennykool said:
Ha Ha Thats funny Chuffy.

Does that mean that the French P*nct*re fairy attacked me cos I like LA??? :biggrin:

That was retribution from on high for defending Schumacher back in the summer, Kenny:biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha - I was waiting for someone to bring that up...Cheers Rich. I was actually close to saying something myself but managed to try and let it pass! :biggrin:

Ach well, I still maintain that I allow folks to be innocent until proven Guilty.....I enjoyed Schumachers performances at the he is guilty and they should throw the book at him!!!!!

I don't support doping. I don't condone doping. But you've got to admit doping has given us some terriffic performances....all the way back to Pantani in 98.

Cue a barrage of comments about LA's performances 99 through 05 .....Chuffy the stage is yours!!! :biggrin:

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
kennykool said:
Ach well, I still maintain that I allow folks to be innocent until proven Guilty.....I enjoyed Schumachers performances at the he is guilty and they should throw the book at him!!!!!
That's what guts me about it - it makes you cynical, and unwilling to believe in people that DO just have a good day. I enjoyed Ricco's attack. I liked Schumacher's breakaway - and that gets snatched away with the realisation that it wasn't guts, or bloody mindedness that spurred them on, it was chemicals.
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