I'm not sure I agree with the statement about shorter women necessarily (although it obviously depends from person to person!) as I have longer legs proportionately to my body (32" inside leg but only 5'11) and short arms exacerbate the situation - hence my comment earlier about a WSD frame sounding like it might be suitable! I can use a compact frame and just have far more seatpost out and a shorter stem but this only puts my back at a steeper, 'racy' angle which just isn't comfortable if you're not a racer. Despite my (very experienced) LBS mechanic saying that there's no way I needed a 23" frame and should go for a 22", I bought one with a comparatively shorter TT and fitted a 70mm stem with a good 6 or 7 degree rise on it. I still feel I could go another size up for a more comfortable riding position (saddle is still a good 4" above handlebar height on a standard geometry frame).