Very interesting. I'll pass that on. Thank you.
Nothing wrong with cotton shorts if she's wearing seamless knickers underneath. Depending on how 'energetic' one is, cotton may well be OK if seamless but a wicking fabric is usually better for anything other than the mildest of exercise.
However the most usually available 'seamless knickers' as sold in 'normal' shops are 'control panties' and 'mild control briefs' and these are most definitely NOT the sort of thing she wants. Running briefs, athletic briefs and the like are the descriptions to look for.
If someone simply can't wear anything other than cotton next to the skin 'down there' on the ladyparts, I suggest getting good quality close-fitting cotton knickers and wearing them inside out so that the seams are not next to the skin. In fact, even doing that now, before the new cycling shorts/ athletic briefs or whatever arrive, may well help. It goes without saying that the knickers should be without any frilly trims, ribbon bows and the like ...
It's crazy but in general the outside of a garment is usually much better 'finished' than the inside of one, even - or especially! - with garments that are meant to be worn next to the most sensitive and intimate places. Mad!
What size is she? I've got some hardly used navy padded shorts with daisies embroideered on the sides of the legs in a size 16 that are free to a good home. If any good, I can check what make.
Ladies can buy knickers that are not from M&S???My favourite genuinely seamless knickers are from M&S..
Ladies can buy knickers that are not from M&S???
I'm not sure what hospital staff would think if they found me in some cut price flimsies😲😲😲I mean, what if you got run over by a bus, and the hospital staff discovered you were wearing some 'cut price flimsies ??'
you know a lot. Cotton to be avoided for anything but the shortest trip to the shops, whatever your gender/persuasion.I'm sure that's half the problem. She's riding in cotton knickers and cotton shorts on top. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, but what do I know???
information is what this place is about.Not that it is my "thing", but, we are getting a lot of information about ladies knickers in this thread
Just saying
Indeed. And that includes jeans which must be the worst item of clothing ever invented.you know a lot. Cotton to be avoided for anything but the shortest trip to the shops, whatever your gender/persuasion.
I'm not sure what hospital staff would think if they found me in some cut price flimsies😲😲😲
Tbh, judging by the tales you hear from A&E staff, of all kinds of 'items' mysteriously finding their way, to places they really didn't 'ought' to be, I suspect they wouldn't turn a hair..
There's nowt so strange as folk and when you've spent as long in and around X-ray departments as I have, I can confirm that neither hairs nor even stomachs would be turned on seeing some of the strange things, and listening to the even stranger tales, reasons and excuses. Unless things have changed greatly in the fifteen or so years since I retired that is, but I don't think so ... hehehehehehe!
A former colleague of mine was the first to report the - erm - specific type of damage done to a specific appendage by a specific type of vacuum cleaner back in ... 1982 or maybe 3? In the BMJ. I think - but can't be certain - that is was in Hull. I remember another colleague coming into our coffee room and saying look, there's a letter in the BMJ from J who got that registrar's post! And when we read it we all fell about laughing. Even though it wasn't funny. In the slightest.She says you wouldn't believe the number of people who, for instance decide to start the hoovering before getting dressed.