La Vuelta ciclista a España 2019 **Spoilers**

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
It feels like we've seen that kind of stalemate a few times this year and more often than in the past.

Is it because we've got fewer sprinters with the ambition and confidence to drive teams or because too many teams also have a GC interest, as well as a sprinter?
Yep. Also if the parcours is too tough (with 8 uphill finishes and steep climbs) the GC teams have a day off to conserve energy and don't bother with chasing the breaks.
Sam Bennett also said they were so knackered, and worried about the upcoming big climbs, that the sprint teams were happy to let the break go.


Roglic looks nailed but haven't we said that before?
The opposition is less this time though and his team is relatively strong.
I doubt I'll be able to watch much more from a beach in Greece though...:sun:
Jealous ! But you do know were due a heatwave and the beach in Blackpool is as nice as any in Greece !
Yea agree I don't want to jinx Roglic as his team look strong enough to carry him through.But dare I say I don't think he's finished yet,looking forward to seeing him in the mountains.
Enjoy your hols !


Todays stage has to be attacks surely,steep finish aswell.I think it's more a case of can Movistar break Jumbo ? Roglics team are looking pretty strong so far.
Brutal final climb, can't see it suiting Roglic


Brutal final climb, can't see it suiting Roglic
Rampas Inhumanas ! Even sounds painful.Maybe it doesn't suit Roglic then it's just about limiting his loss.I sort of hope there all there for the final climb,be fun to watch at least.I think he'll be fine....famous last words ?
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