Knee injuries?

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Legendary Member
NE England
Yes. It could be a bike fit issue then. Although I have the same issue and am 61 overweight, well OK obese and have had a hard life. Sob..Sob! Mine is Arthritis and one day I'll need a new knee, or should that be knew nee?


Legendary Member
Hi Gaz, it could just be an age thing, it could be a weight thing - I get an occasional painful left knee and for the past few years have had painful shins when running, playing football, etc but NOT when cycling which is partly why it is now my exercise of choice! I think my weight contributes to it as well. Also you mentioned being on standard flat pedals, one thing I've noticed since going clipless is how straight my feet feel (weird at first) and how the feet point "outwards" with anyone who is not clipless - may just be your body adjusting to the new exercise regime! It does get harder as you get older, unfortunately. Regards, Mark

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Also, Today i've noticed that my shins are sore when i walk! is this cycling related or am i just getting old? i only did approx 10 miles on the bike yesterday, but i did walk (was dragged) 4 times round the Trafford Centre!

Dont know if its the same but after 10 years of no exercise i went on a 6 month health kick to shift weight i was exercising 2-3 hours 6 days a week the only thing that hurt was going on the treadmill my shins killed. I thought it was shin splints. Turns out it was the tendons that connect your shin bone to your calf muscle (apparantly they run down the inside of your leg) the doctor said due to lack of exercise over the years the sudden amount of exercise had built my calf muscle to an extent that was pulling the tendons ?? he said in time the tendons will become more supple and catch up with the muscle flex during and after exercise and tbf he was right.

He did stress that at least a 5-10 minute stretch is advised to loosen muscles and tendons up before exercise.
Gaz Vickers

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
It seems there may be a few factors involved, i'm just going to put it down to my body not being used to the strains i'm now putting on it! No exercise for 15 years now cycling 80 (ish) miles a week. Something was going to give! :laugh: oops!
Suppose i will just see what happens next........ worry about it then, right, need to get my gear on and try a quickish 8 mile or so before tea! Thanks for all your input folks. This a great forum :cheers:
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