Knee injuries?

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Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Hey folks, i posted this question in another thread but got no response, so i thought i would try it in here.
Last week I.started to develop a sore knee, well not so much sore, more of a dull ache underneath my kneecap. It is gradually getting slightly worse. Does anyone know.why it do this? It doesn't bother me during cycling, just before and after, also walking down stairs causes some discomfort! I have sized my seating position according to all the usual guidelines, slightly bent leg etc.. also I'm using standard flat pedals. Any info would be great as i don't want to cause myself any damage..
Cheers Gary.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I don't know the answer either Gaz, but I've been getting that walking down stairs to such a point that I have to turn to come down at an angle.

I'm interested to hear too!


Lost it, got it again.
Have you had an "off" recently where landed on an outstretched knee? They my problem at the moment, I was strapped in to the pedals and knee took the full force of me+MTB leaving a bit of soreness under the front left of the left kneecap.


Man or Moose!
Hey folks, i posted this question in another thread but got no response, so i thought i would try it in here.
Last week I.started to develop a sore knee, well not so much sore, more of a dull ache underneath my kneecap. It is gradually getting slightly worse. Does anyone know.why it do this? It doesn't bother me during cycling, just before and after, also walking down stairs causes some discomfort! I have sized my seating position according to all the usual guidelines, slightly bent leg etc.. also I'm using standard flat pedals. Any info would be great as i don't want to cause myself any damage..
Cheers Gary.

Could be any number of things, I had something similar to Archie_tect describes, it was inflation in the cartilage in my knee and I had a course of physio (prescribed exercises and ultrasound massage) to treat it.

It could be something as simple as the change of weather!
Hey up mate,
Over the years my knees have given me some right stick, but to be fair I have given them some.
When I was a younger cyclist I would spend hours grinding away on the bike pushing big gears until a cricket injury to my left cruciate ligament put a stop to that and I had to start spinning faster in lower gears to hit the same results. My left knee is always prone to pain and I actually think that cycling eases it. But only when I don't try to push gears like 52/13 etc. Are you using leg strength rather than stamina/ fitness to get about?
Lately I had to see the doc because my left knee was giving the same symptoms as you describe above, the burn is under the left side of my kneecap and sometimes makes me wince when using stairs!
The doc said ''It may be arthritis or the result of the 25 year old injury''. I thought what a waste of time that was!
I would be inclined to double check your positioning and move it around to see if it eases, although there are optimum settings for bikes we are all different.
Try spinning, get your cadence up around 100 rpm, also keep notes of what makes it worse.
I found when I started to wear some lighter work boots helped, also losing weight made a big difference.
Sadly most GP's can only help if there is blood spurting out or it is some ailment you have had before.:sad:
Hope it heals soon and doesn't put you off cycling.
All the best.:thumbsup:


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I have this come on over the last week, could be many things and if it continues then its worth seeing a physio.
I have noticed though that due to getting distracted by family etc i have not been stretching out properly ,especially the stretches for my hip flexors +glutes which apparantly IT band.

I have also been riding harder , there have been some chaingang work i am not used to .
Gaz Vickers

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
I havn't had an off or anything, i need to experiment with different set ups i think, I think i may of pushed to hard on a previous ride! i'm still relatively un-fit and think i may of pushed my knee beyond its current limit! having never been very muscular, maybe its down to the development of muscles i've never had before! :whistle:
Gaz Vickers

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Also, Today i've noticed that my shins are sore when i walk! is this cycling related or am i just getting old? i only did approx 10 miles on the bike yesterday, but i did walk (was dragged) 4 times round the Trafford Centre!


North Carolina
I would try spinning more with lower gears as well. I have been working on raising my cadence and my knees and muscles seem to be feeling better. I am still not up where the stronger riders are at but I am up about 10 rpm from what I was doing not long ago and feeling better and getting faster.
I would try spinning more with lower gears as well. I have been working on raising my cadence and my knees and muscles seem to be feeling better. I am still not up where the stronger riders are at but I am up about 10 rpm from what I was doing not long ago and feeling better and getting faster.
It is the only way to go. Leaves your knees less painful and gets your stamina more than strength increasing!
Gaz Vickers

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
I would try spinning more with lower gears as well. I have been working on raising my cadence and my knees and muscles seem to be feeling better. I am still not up where the stronger riders are at but I am up about 10 rpm from what I was doing not long ago and feeling better and getting faster.
If i'm being honest, i don't really understand all the cycling terminology!! lol, So most of what you have said sounds good, but i have no idea what it actually means! :laugh:
If i'm being honest, i don't really understand all the cycling terminology!! lol, So most of what you have said sounds good, but i have no idea what it actually means! :laugh:
Cadence is the revolutions per minute you spin your pedals at fella. Most cyclists find it easier to maintain a set cadence eg: 100 rpm and change gear accordingly to suit the road condition, ( flat, climbing, descending etc). It puts less strain on your joints than pushing the big gears.:smile:
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