Knackered Knees?!

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Gaz Vickers

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Lunges are horrible for less than perfect knees as are any sort if unsupported deep squat, especially if any kneecap involvement or weakness. Could try wall slides with a Swiss ball behind your back, going no lower than a max of 90 degrees. Point feet out slightly to work vmo more. If knees are bad, see a physio
Not too sure what they are?! lol.... Or what a swiss ball is?! ha. but i'm willing to try it if its better for me!. Cheers :smile:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland


Legendary Member
Gym ball behind back against a wall, lower slowly so thigh muscles tense. Hold until thighs really burn or shake and then push up again slowly. Should find on youtube


Legendary Member
I do them without the ball so try. If knees hurt you are off with the technique, if muscles tense and burn, better. Feet shoulder width apart. Glute bridges are good and evil too


Legendary Member
You should really see a physio before embarking on an exercise programme to deal with an injury :smile:


Legendary Member
The private ones often work evenings and weekends. An hour assessment and a couple of 30 min follow ups may be sufficient.


Legendary Member
Mine charges £50ish for the first assessment for an hour and then around £40 thereafter for 30 mins I think, not that I pay. Assume you have no private healthcare through work? You need to find a sports physio. You may find its offered at your gp surgery. If not I expect it's cheaper in lancs than Surrey!
Gaz Vickers

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Mine charges £50ish for the first assessment for an hour and then around £40 thereafter for 30 mins I think, not that I pay. Assume you have no private healthcare through work? You need to find a sports physio. You may find its offered at your gp surgery. If not I expect it's cheaper in lancs than Surrey!
Cheers, a bit pricey! I will see my GP first! ha.


Legendary Member
Fair enough but be prepared to wait for nhs physio and also a short appointment and exercise sheet. Is £50 really a lot of an hour of a trained professionals time at a time that suits you? NHS physio will be between 9&5 Mon-Fri in my experience and you may not get to choose when
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